SignAil OBT Official Launch: Experience the Future of Sound with Cutting-Edge AI Technology

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4 min readMay 30, 2024

We are thrilled to announce the official launch of the Open Beta Test (OBT) for our groundbreaking AI Sound Social Network, SignAil. This momentous event marks the beginning of a new chapter in sound technology, transcending language barriers and fostering global conversations through our state-of-the-art AI solutions.

SignAil: Redefining the Future of Sound

SignAil revolutionizes how users create, share, and experience voice. Powered by advanced AI technology, SignAil allows users to record their voices in one language and seamlessly translate them into another, preserving the unique tone and timbre of the original voice. This innovation unlocks endless possibilities for communication and creativity, making global connections easier than ever before.

Key Features of SignAil

  • Automatic Voice Translation: Effortlessly translate recorded voices into different languages while maintaining the original tone and style. This feature enables users to communicate globally without language barriers.
  • Efficient Data Management: Utilize AI protocols to manage voice learning data and language data, ensuring optimal performance and accuracy.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Signail’s intuitive design makes it simple for anyone to translate and share their voice.

Join the Open Beta Test

Starting today, users can download Signail from Google Play and participate in the Open Beta Test. This early access phase allows users to experience SignAil’s innovative features firsthand and contribute to its development through valuable feedback.

How to use App

1. Creating an Account

- Select your country, gender, and language, then create an account.

2. Voice Training

- Select the language you want to convert to and press and hold the microphone to start recording.

- Read the phrase displayed on the screen and then stop the recording.

- Check if the recording was successful and send the recording.

- Wait for the AI to learn your voice. Once the training is complete, listen to your voice converted into another language.

3. Sending a Message to Someone

- Select the recipient’s country, gender, and language, then start recording.

- Record the message you want to send and send it after completing the recording.

- A chat room will not be created until the recipient replies. Please wait until they respond.

4. Conversing in the Chat Room

- When you receive a message from the recipient, a chat room will be created.

- Enter the chat room and click the microphone at the bottom to record your reply.

- Send the recording once it is completed.

5. Situations Where Recording in the Chat Room is Not Possible

- You haven’t received the recipient’s message yet.

- The recipient’s message is still being processed by the AI for translation and voice cloning.

- The recipient’s message failed to send due to an error.

- Your message is still being processed by the AI for translation and voice cloning.

6. Reporting a Chat

- Click the menu of the chat from the recipient.

- Review the content displayed on the screen and select “Report”.

- Choose the reason for reporting the chat and click the “Report” button.

7. Blocking a Recipient

- Click the recipient’s profile at the top of the chat window.

- Click “Block” at the bottom of the recipient’s profile screen.

- Review the content displayed on the screen and click the “Block” button.

8. Deleting Your Account

- Go to the profile screen located at the far right of the bottom of the screen.

- Click “Delete” at the bottom of the profile to delete your account.

A Commitment to Innovation

At LABEL Foundation, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of AI in music and sound technology. The launch of SignAil’s OBT reflects our commitment to continuous innovation and excellence. By collaborating with industry leaders, we are equipped to deliver cutting-edge AI solutions that transform how we experience sound and communication.

Join Us on This Exciting Journey

We invite our users and partners to join us on this exciting journey as we lead the way in AI and music technology. Your feedback and support are crucial as we strive to perfect SignAil and establish it as the premier platform for AI-driven sound.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we continue to achieve milestones and redefine the possibilities of AI in sound.

Connect with Us

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be part of the future of sound technology. Download SignAil today and join the Open Beta Test to experience and shape the next era of global communication.

Download Signail on Google Play-

Together, let’s break down language barriers and connect the world through the power of sound.

Stay Tuned:




LABEL AI provides an environment for creating and managing sounds such as music and voice through AI and blockchain