The Power of Leverage

A new way of working

Nicole Yershon
4 min readDec 28, 2017


The Basic Argument

We can’t continue to apply old business models and old ways of thinking to the demands of being a business in the world today. We’ve learned by doing and we’ve seen first hand what does and doesn’t work. We need to think differently.

1. There’s not one solution to every client:

It sounds obvious to say that business challenges require different skills and resources. But many agencies and consultancies have one method and model and clients know that’s not the way of the world anymore. They’ve also learned that no one-way of thinking or working can work.

Different skills and resources, people and approaches need to be brought to bear on unique challenges.

2. A Whole New Era — An Intelligent Model.

We needed to create a different kind of solution and a wholly different business model. Clients no longer accept the way they’ve had to buy the solutions to their business problems.

They have been burned, bitten and frustrated over many years.

We bring an open, transparent and deeply resourceful solution for the benefit of our clients. Working with integrity, passion and partners to find the right results — whatever the challenge.

3. The Power Of Leverage:

It’s not enough to have the access to resources, they need to be properly managed and the result fully aligned and synchronised. Our team works. We’ve worked together for many years and share an ethic for getting things done in rapid time without complication, impenetrable jargon or solving the wrong problem really well.

4. The Team That Works:

Because there’s different challenges we bring appropriate people. We gather the right techniques, the best tools and only the technologies that matter. We know that our clients need to tackle the challenges of today — we know they are frustrated about the access they have to the right stuff.

Between us we’ve changed the game.

We’ve been working with the biggest challenges and the most well known brands for many years. As a result these are the challenges we regularly address and have many case stories around each area.

5. Addressing The Real Challenges:

Lab For Hire & Co. Is Deliberately Named

LFH&Co. is not a one-size solution seeking a specific challenge. We listen, think and then design the right answer — each time it’s different. There’s never a standard response to the unique challenges of our clients.

6. End To End

Here’s a few examples of our structured approach to thinking it through and then making it happen. We live in a digital world — whether it’s transforming the way the enterprise thinks or communicating how it thinks — we make it happen.

Creating The New Story — Vision, Mission Or Strategy

Bringing the capability once we know the challenge. In the 21st Century the skills and resources needed are not freely available. We not only have them on speed dial we know how to make them work to the advantage of our clients.

Bringing The Right Capability

LFH&Co. know how to develop the ‘platform’ required within our clients — enabling them to be able to sustain operational efficiency and performance. We also embrace and train the workforce to maintain the impact of every involvement.

Platforms For Change

Great ideas and thinking are no value to clients if they aren’t let out into the wild. Our approach is based on both great thinking and effective working — in the real world

From Lab To Live:

Bringing Innovation To Life

Technology and disruption, innovation and transformation are each powerful things. But they are pointless if they don’t become the new way of life for today’s business.

The Film Of The Book:

We Leave The Last Word To Eric Hoffer



Nicole Yershon

Founder Ogilvy Lab, FRSA, Consultant and Advisor on Business, Technology, Creativity, Startups & Growth #1 Best Selling Author —