[Market Research] JEFF World, Your Nearest Metaverse

metaverse community platform based on blockchain.

gome | Laboon
Laboon Global
6 min readJul 11, 2023


What is JEFF World?

JEFF World is a community-driven metaverse platform powered by user participation. Within JEFF World, users can customize their own unique space and avatar to experience JEFF World. Users can create content and earn rewards within ZEFF World, and these rewards can be used to experience various content within ZEFF World or in the real world, creating a sustainable ecosystem.

JEFF World Lands

Land NFTs are a key component of Zephyr World, with each land having a unique location and individual value based on the land’s grade and location characteristics.

Lands are the backbone of the JEFF World ecosystem’s circulation, and since the first land minting in August 2022, a large number of land holders have joined JEFF World. Land holders will receive exclusive rewards and utilities, and will share in the rewards of JEFF World’s growth through the tax system.

Each land has a tier. They are tiered from Grade 1 (Bronze), Grade 2 (Silver), and Grade 3 (Gold), with the higher the tier, the greater the benefits.

Even if they’re the same grade, Lands all have unique location characteristics, so depending on your experience, you might want to be near a WorldTrain, or you might want to be near a Community Zone or a specific ComStore brand. Just like real estate, every Land will have a unique value based on its rating and location.

Currently (as of May 23), a total of 3,500 Lands have been minted, with a total of 9,725 to be issued initially. The total number of Lands available for issuance in Jeffworld is 41,225, but additional Lands will be minted once we have a sufficient number of users and move to full-scale international expansion.

Landownership Benefits

Growing Plants

Growing plants is a special content that can only be enjoyed by land holders. The vegetables needed to survive in Jeffworld can only be grown in your My Room, and you can earn $JEFF tokens by selling your crops to the Market, while the elements you earn can be made into NFTs through the Craft Shop.

  • Growing plants is a fixed source of income for land holders.
  • The land grade determines the number of cubes you can place.
  • The more cubes you have, the more plants you can grow at once.
  • The higher the level of the cubes, the higher-grade vegetables and elements can be obtained.

Tax system

Land holders can receive taxes that are distributed to their land holdings. Tax is a fluid reward that depends on user activity, and the amount of tax each land receives each week changes. The more active a land is, the more taxes it receives.

  • Taxes are a liquid source of income for Land holders.
  • Taxes vary depending on how active your Land is.
  • CityGrooming rewards and 5% of ConnectZone ad revenue are deposited into the tax pool.


After the initial land minting, land staking is now open. Staking rewards are differentiated by tier, and the longer the staking period, the more reward boosting benefits are applied.

  • Staking site: https://staking.jeffprotocol.io/
  • Boosting: +10% per week of staking → +50% up to 5 weeks
  • Holders who stake during the special “Boosting Campaign” period will receive a +70–75% boost.
  • Grade 1 : 5 $JEFF/day → Max Boosting(+75%) 8.75 $JEFF/day
  • Grade 2 : 10 $JEFF/day → Max Boosting(+75%) 17.0 $JEFF/day
  • Grade 3 : 20 $JEFF/day → Max Boosting(+75%) 34.0 $JEFF/day

My Room

My Rooms are where users’ activities are based, and Land Holders can own their own unique My Rooms. In My Rooms, you can enjoy a variety of content, including plant cultivation, customize your My Room to your liking, and display your NFT artwork. It’s a space that’s completely your own, where you can invite other users to meet up and party.

My Rooms are available to both land holders and avatar holders, but there are differences in what they can do. Land holders’ My Rooms are solely owned by the holder, while Avatar holders’ My Rooms are rented and have some restrictions on content.

Basic Features

Decorating your room

  • The higher the My Room tier, the larger the area.
  • The larger the area, the more appliances/furniture you can place.

Growing Plants

  • You can place pots in your My Room and grow plants.
  • By growing plants, you can get vegetables and elements, which you can sell or combine to earn money.
  • The number of pots you can place increases with your area.
  • Will be linked to cooking content in the future.

Board Games

  • You can invite other users to play board games.
  • The number of board games will be expanded over time.


  • You can freely invite friends and other users to your My Room.
  • The number of invites increases with the size of your My Room.
  • You can invite friends to play board games and other social activities.

JEFF world Avatars

Avatar NFTs are a key component of JEFF world. While you can still enjoy Zephworld without an Avatar NFT, owning an Avatar NFT will unlock additional features and rewards in JEFF world.

Avatars have a class system that is unique to JEFF world. Unlike traditional PFPs that simply look different, each profession has different features and specialized content. In addition, the customization parts system is the best way to reflect your personality in the metaverse.

Avatars are the key players in the economic and social life of JEFF world and will be tied to key content, giving you more rewards for enjoying that content, and more professions will be created through breeding avatars in the future.

Genesis Avatar

Genesis Avatars are the first Avatars to appear in JEFF world, with a total of eight professions and a limited number of copies. More classes will be available in the future when breeding opens up.


In order to clean up JEFF world, we need a lot of Avatars. To accomplish this, new classes will be created through the breeding system. Breeding Avatars can be promoted to Genesis Avatars in the future.

Basic Avatars

The default Avatar, called a Jeffy, is a native of JEFF World. Having not yet awakened to her powers, Jeffy is somewhat ill-equipped to save JEFF world, but they want to save it more than anyone.

JEFF world seeks to connect with users, creators, and businesses through a variety of channels.

Check out our monthly AMAs!
- Discord: https://discord.gg/jeffworld
- Medium : https://jeffworld.medium.com
- Youtube : https://youtube.com/@jeffworldofficial5383

Laboon Space

Laboon Alliance is a community platform directly engaged and supported by NFT whales, long-term holders of blue-chip NFTs. Within the Laboon ecosystem, NFT whales are tiered based on the value of their blue-chip NFT holdings and can earn various additional rewards based on their community and event (AD) participation scores.

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