Defining “casual” as in “work”

Labor Herald
Labor Herald
Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2016

Labor will examine the definition of “casual” work and will set an objective test for determining when a worker is “casual” as part of its commitment when in government, to preventing worker exploitation.

Shadow employment and workplace relations minister Brendan O’Connor said increasingly, the oxymoronic term permanent casual is being used by employers to describe their employees.

“This is confusing, ambiguous and leads to uncertainty for employers and employees alike,” O’Connor said.

Underemployment…has never been higher.

“While the ability to use casual work is an important component of the labour market, it has beenincreasingly exploited.

“Workers should not be ‘casual’ just because their employer tells them they are.

“Labor will put an end to the increasing prevalence of this practice,” he said.

Labor will work with all affected stakeholders including employers, employer groups and unions in developing the objective test, which will ensure certainty for all parties.

Underemployment — that is people who want more work but cannot find it — has never been higher.

“There are more than one million of our fellow Australians in this position right now,” the shadow minister said.

“Two thirds of the jobs created under the Liberal-Nationals are part-time.”

“Full time jobs are being lost all over the labour market, including 60,000 in the last six months.

“The Abbott-Turnbull government has not done one single thing to address the growing incidence of insecure work.

“In fact, two thirds of the jobs that have been created under the Liberal-Nationals are part-time.

“Australians deserve a government with the courage to put people first and it’s only Labor that will do that,” he said.

This article originally appeared in the Labor Herald.



Labor Herald
Labor Herald

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