Fast tracking the Gawler Line electrification

Labor Herald
Labor Herald
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2016
Gawler is a priority on Labor’s infrastructure plans.

An elected Shorten Labor government would provide $76m for the Gawler Line electrification enabling the project to start one year earlier.

Shadow infrastructure minister Anthony Albanese said today the Gawler project funding complements Labor’s $500m commitment for the AdeLINK tram network.

“Gawler is on the Infrastructure Australia priority list and will create 300 jobs,” Albanese said.

“AdeLINK and Gawler Line electrification will create 2300 new jobs as well as improve quality of life, boost productivity and decrease congestion,” he said.

“The Coalition government cut $318m from job-creating South Australian infrastructure projects.”

The former Labor government provided $293m federal funding for the Gawler Line electrification.

Labor’s Member for Wakefield, Nick Champion said the Coalition axed $76m of this funding in the 2014 Budget, along with $31.5m for the Tonsley Park public transport project.

“In last year’s federal Budget, the Coalition government cut $318m from job-creating South Australian infrastructure projects, despite the state having the nation’s highest unemployment rate,” Champion said.

This included reductions in the South Road upgrade, Goodwood and Torrens Rail Junction upgrade, heavy vehicle safety and productivity program and the Bridges renewal program.

“Job-creating, productivity boosting infrastructure which South Australia needs.”

Labor’s Member for Makin, Tony Zappia said the former Labor government almost tripled annual infrastructure spending from $109 to $272 per South Australian.

“This included the construction of South Australia’s first electrified rail line to Seaford, which created 2000 jobs and is now used each weekday by over 15,000 people,” Zappia said.

“Only a federal Labor government will invest in the job-creating, productivity boosting infrastructure, including public transport, which South Australia needs,” Zappia added.

This article originally appeared in the Labor Herald.



Labor Herald
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