Labor backs second Bass Strait interconnector for energy security

Labor Herald
Labor Herald
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2016

The energy crisis experienced by Tasmania earlier in 2016 will not occur again under Labor’s plan to invest in energy security for the state.

A Shorten Labor government will fast-track the development of a business case for a second Bass Strait interconnector, delivering greater energy security and more job opportunities for Tasmanians.

“Tasmania has some of the best renewable resources in the world, and already produces 17 per cent of Australia’s renewable energy output,” said Labor leader Bill Shorten.

“Protect the energy security of Tasmanian businesses and households.”

“However, Tasmania’s own energy supply is not as secure as it should be, and there are limited opportunities to grow the sector.

“The energy crisis that Tasmanians experienced this year — with the shutdown of the single interconnector — should not be allowed to happen again.

“A second cable will protect the energy security of Tasmanian businesses and households, as well as opening up new economic opportunities,” he added.

A second link across the Bass Strait will expand Tasmania’s access to the National Electricity Market. This will boost the capacity of Tasmania’s renewable energy generators to boost supply and local jobs.

“If elected, Labor will work with the Tasmanian government to develop a business case for the second interconnector for urgent consideration by Infrastructure Australia,” said shadow regional development minister Julie Collins.

“Labor will provide $5m for the development of the business case, which will build on the existing feasibility study.

“Subject to a positive business case and an assessment by Infrastructure Australia, up to $500m will be made available through our Infrastructure Financing Facility for the construction of the second cable.

“Tasmania can become the renewable energy powerhouse of Australia.”

“The project will be funded and delivered in partnership with the Tasmanian government and the private sector,” the shadow minister added.

Exporting Tasmania’s renewable energy to the rest of Australia is the key to new investment in Tasmania and new jobs for Tasmanians.

“Labor believes Tasmania can become the renewable energy powerhouse of Australia — and we have a plan to make it happen,” Shorten said.

“A second Bass Strait interconnector is one part of Labor’s energy plan for Tasmania,” he added.

Labor has a comprehensive plan to boost investment and jobs in renewable energy, including:

  • Ensuring that at least 50 per cent of the nation’s electricity is sourced from renewable energy by 2030.
  • Expanding the investment mandate of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation.
  • Ensuring the federal government leads by example as a direct purchaser of renewable energy.

“Labor’s energy plan is good for Tasmania’s energy security, good for Tasmanian businesses and good for Tasmanian jobs,” the Labor leader said.

This article originally appeared in the Labor Herald.



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