The Labor Party is back!

Labor Herald
Labor Herald
Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2016
Bill and Chloe Shorten and their family at the post-election celebration with the party faithful. (Source: Facebook/BillShorten)

Labor leader Bill Shorten addressed supporters in Melbourne late on election night, thanking them for their support, and in the knowledge Malcolm Turnbull has failed miserably.

While it remains uncertain who will ultimately win government, Labor has performed remarkably well in the federal election: with purpose, cohesion and under the united leadership of Bill Shorten.

Introducing the leader, shadow employment and workplace relations minister Brendan O’Connor said Shorten had clearly out-campaigned the prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull and the Liberal-National Coalition.

“In the past three years we have united as a party.”

Joined by his wife Chloe and children, Shorten took the stage before hundreds of supporters.

“Friends,” he said “we will not know the outcome of the election tonight.

“We may not know it for some days to come, but there is one thing for sure: the Labor Party is back.

“And all of you — every single one of you and thousands of our supporters and members — should have great pride in what we have accomplished.

“In the past three years we have united as a party and the past eight weeks, we have run a magnificent campaign,” he said.

The Labor leader said his candidates had argued for Labor’s positive plans and three years after the Liberals came to power in a landslide, they can be seen now to have clearly lost their mandate.

“And Mr Turnbull’s economic program, such as it was, has been rejected by the people of Australia,” Shorten said.

“Whatever happens next week, Mr Turnbull will never be able to claim the people of Australia have adopted his ideological agenda.

“We promise the Australian people — that from government or Opposition, we will save Medicare.”

“He will never again be able to promise the stability that he has completely failed to deliver tonight.

“Friends…whatever happens next week, whether we are in government or in Opposition, the Labor Party is re-energised, it is unified, and it is more determined than ever — and we promise the Australian people — that from government or Opposition, we will save Medicare.

“Every single member of the Labor Party, every supporter of our cause should be happy with our cause and keep fighting for the things we believe in.

“I would not swap a single day of the last three years and would not swap a person I have fought alongside.

“We are a great team in Labor,”‘ he said.

Among those whom Shorten sought to acknowledge was his deputy, Tanya Plibersek.

“She is all class and all heart,” he said.

“I would also like to thank Penny Wong and Stephen Conroy, and indeed my leadership group including Chris Bowen, Tony Burke and Jenny Macklin, and my whole shadow Cabinet, and supporters — thank you.

“Thank you all for your energy, loyalty, solidarity and hard work.”

“I wish to thank you the mighty trade union movement of Australia,” he said to rousing cheers from union members in attendance.

“I thank you all for your energy, loyalty, solidarity and hard work.

“I also want to thank our national secretary George Wright, the campaign director.

“And I do have some key advisors; my success is their success.

“And of course the Bill Bus…I love that,” he added.

The Labor leader paid special tribute to his wife and children, without whom he said it would not be possible for people such as himself in public life to serve.

“But happy and proud as we should be tonight, it is not about us,” Shorten said.

“It is time for our parliament to get back to work.”

“It is about the Australian people: their lives, their futures, the country the want to live in…the dream.

“After the longest campaign in 50 years, it is time for our parliament to get back to work.

“Millions of Australians have voted for Labor.

“Labor ran for government as a strong and united team.

“We stand by our program: jobs for fair pay and penalty rates; education and Gonski; fibre NBN; affordable housing and reform of negative gearing; real action on climate change; and protecting our national institution and greatest achievement, Medicare.

“I promise Australia the Labor Party I lead will endeavour to find common ground.

“I wish to congratulate Members from all parties, including the newly elected, and commiserations to those who have lost their seats.

“Being called to serve is a rare honour and privilege indeed.

“I thank the people of Maribyrnong for their support for the fourth time as their Member.

“We live in a remarkable and gifted country.

“We are a generous and diverse nation energised by everyone who calls this home.

“This is the party for all Australians: from every generation, from cities and regions; great country towns to new suburbs; our farmers and teachers, we are the party for first Australians and all those who have followed from every faith, nation and tradition.

“Labor will not leave you behind.”

“We are the party for those who love each other and deserve to get married.

“We are the party for women getting equal opportunity at work, and apprentices looking for a start, and older workers looking for a new start.

“We include every citizen; we are the party for the people whose voices all too often go unheard.

“To all those Australians tonight, alienated and excluded, and all those who feel politics-as-usual doesn’t work for them, Labor will not leave you behind.

“We will not let you down.

“We are the party for all those who serve, for all who care for one another, and all who make our country what it is.

“Your futures and your opportunities will always be our mission.

“There is nothing we cannot achieve.

“Together we will build a better country for all Australians.

“Thank you all for your support,” he said.

This article originally appeared in the Labor Herald.



Labor Herald
Labor Herald

Serving up news from the Australian Labor Party and its community.