New LaborX marketplace pre-launch with TIME-holder benefits announced!
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2020


Sign up via the new interface and deposit TIME tokens to receive fee rebates, increased referral commissions and other perks.

We are pleased to announce the pre-launch of the new design for the LaborX marketplace!

We have redesigned the LaborX interface to make it easier than ever to use, with a fantastic, intuitive new design and a brand new fresh look. And, while we’re still completing development of the platform’s full functionality, the landing page has been rolled out and registrations are open.

So check it out and register!

Exclusive offer

We want to reward our early adopters, who have helped us refine the system and got the ball rolling by becoming our first users.

Anyone who signs up in the pre-launch period will be eligible for a series of exclusive benefits that won’t be available once LaborX is up and running. All you need to do is register and store at least 100 TIME on the platform. So don’t wait — sign up now to make sure you don’t miss out!

Early adopter perks

It’s only fair that our earliest users should gain the best benefits. Once you’ve deposited 100 TIME to the wallet in your profile, you’ll receive an Early Adopter badge. So long as your balance doesn’t fall below 100 TIME, some of the benefits you’ll then have access to will include:

  • Fee-free service on LaborX forever — saving you at least 5% on any contract you complete!
  • Additional referral commissions, with a larger percentage paid to you when you refer others to the platform and they complete jobs.
  • Discounted dispute resolution fees, should you ever need to initiate dispute proceedings.
  • Priority placement ahead of other users when you search for a job or offer your services.
  • Visually highlighted provider appearance in searches, making sure you stand out in the crowd.

Overall, we think this is a very attractive package of benefits for our first users! If you agree, register on LaborX and deposit at least 100 TIME to your wallet. You can purchase TIME on TimeX or Kucoin.

Thank you for supporting us in creating a more efficient and fair recruitment marketplace!

