Safety from the Storm -Chapter 5

Chapter 5- Lindsey had longed for someone of her own to love.

Lacey Allaby


Image created by Lacey Allaby

Chapter 5-

Lindsey walked out, looking even sexier. Seeing her in his clothes did something wild and primitive to Ryan’s gut, nevermind the twitching in his dick. Wearing his clothes marked her as his territory. The urge to possess sent his pulse racing. Ryan wanted Lindsey with a need and urgency that surprised him.

With his mouth suddenly dry and heart pounding, Ryan took a step toward Lindsey being careful not to come on too strong. He was not even sure why he felt such a deep connection to this beauty in front of him. One thing Ryan did know, he had to figure out how to make Lindsey see that they would be great in bed.

When Lindsey left the room, Ryan had seen a spark of interest in her eyes. Now she would not look at him. She looked uncomfortable and glanced everywhere but at him.

“Your wife did a lovely job decorating everything,” she said in a small, fragile voice.

Ryan smiled, delighted by her show of jealousy. He took a step closer and held out his hand. “My sister did the decorating. I’m not married.”

Lindsey’s gaze shot to Ryan’s face with the speed of a bolt of lightning and hit him just as hard. A slow, seductive smile slid across her face as she put her hand into his. “Your sister did a great job.”

“I think so too, but don’t tell her. Roxie’s ego is big enough as it is.”

When Lindsey slid her hand into Ryan’s much larger one, she felt a warmth surround her and drive the chill out of her body. What was it about this man that had her wondering what the stubble on his jaw would feel like caressing the skin of her inner thighs?

Her stomach churned like it had while she had been driving in the rain with a death grip on the steering wheel. Only this time, Ryan was the source of the excited panic. He only had to look at her, and the butterflies in her belly turned to rampaging rhinos.

Lindsey took a deep breath and held it for a moment to steady her nerves. What was going on here? She never reacted this quickly to a guy. If her panties were not already wet from the rain, the heat from his looks would have done it.

“Come sit down,” Ryan said as he tugged her hand toward a chair he pulled out from the nearest table.

“Thank you,” she said, slipping her hand out of his. Lindsey couldn’t think when he was touching her. She took the time to drape her wet clothes over the back of an adjacent chair. The pulse in her aching clit making her hyper-aware of the man standing so close.

Finally, when she had run out of things to do, Lindsey sat down and did the thing she had been avoiding. She looked into Ryan’s eyes.

What Lindsey saw there thrilled her, excited her, terrified her. Ryan was looking at her as if she were the most beautiful woman in the world. Lindsey had the urge to look over her shoulder to see if another woman was standing behind her. A hunk this gorgeous could not be looking at her this way.

And if he was?

Lindsey had longed for someone of her own to love. It had never happened, and she had convinced herself she was fine on her own, could take care of herself financially, and fix a leaky kitchen faucet when needed. Lindsey didn’t need a man to take care of her that way.

What she needed was a man who looked at her like she was a goddess. Lindsey desperately wanted a hunk who could make her scream with need. Someone who could have her panting and climbing higher with desire than she could get on her own.

That promise was shining in Ryan’s eyes. It scared her to believe because she wanted it so desperately to be real.

A lump of longing lodged in her throat. She wanted to sit on Ryan’s lap and ride his dick so hard neither of them would be able to walk. The look in his eyes said he wanted it too.

But, what if she was wrong? He could tear her heart out and shred it into little, miserable pieces she would never be able to put back together. Her body was telling her this sudden overwhelming feeling for this handsome stranger was right for her. Her sense of self-preservation, honed over years of heartaches, told her nothing this good could happen this fast.

Lindsey stared deeply into Ryan’s eyes for an endless blissful moment. Neither one of them moving, barely even breathing. The danger of driving in the storm had turned her on, but the risk of trusting a stranger was even scarier. Could she do it?

Lindsey reached down, pulled the sweatpants’ cuffs down over her feet, and rested them on the bottom rung of the chair beneath her. She looked so hesitant, so unsure.

“Can I get you something hot to drink? Some coffee?” Ryan took a step back to give her space. Lindsey had a look in her eyes like a rabbit that had just seen a wolf staring at her. He didn’t want to be a wolf to her. He wanted her to trust him.

Ryan went behind the bar and poured a cup of coffee without waiting for her response. He had to put space between them to avoid pulling her into his arms. Scaring her was not an option, and with the urges pumping through his body, he didn’t trust himself.

Bringing the mug with some sugar and creamer packets, Ryan put the items in front of her. He knew taking the seat opposite her at the large, round table would give Lindsey the distance to allow her to feel safe with him. Instead, he sat in the chair next to her, where their knees barely missed touching.

“Where were you headed?”

She looked up from pouring her second creamer into her coffee. “I’m hopelessly lost. I was headed to a bed and breakfast somewhere on this road, but they’ve probably given my room to someone else by now.”

“I have a spare bedroom in the apartment upstairs if you don’t want to go back out in that.”

Lindsey slowly smiled in excited anticipation and realized she had not been wrong. Ryan did feel something for her. She let herself relax and let her desire for him show in her smile. “That would be nice. Thank you.”

Continued in next chapter…



Lacey Allaby

Captivating Erotic Fiction that will immerse you and wrap you up in sensations and feelings.