Virtual Reality, Erotic Sci-Fi

Virtual Erotic Escape

Can virtual reality feel real?

Lacey Allaby


Photo by Cody Black on Unsplash
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Kassida stared with trepidation at the small box tucked into the corner of the shipment canister. Knots of anxiety formed in her stomach, and her hands felt cold as she lifted the package out and set it on the worktable. She had traded an entire year’s ration of chocolate and agreed to a six-month extension on her assignment to gather enough credits to buy it. If this device worked as advertised, it would make the remaining two years, now two-and-a-half years, on the Hulet moon monitoring station bearable.

Forcing herself to exhale the breath she held, Kassida took the non-descript box in her hands and faced her fear. If the seller had played her for a lonely, desperate fool, Kassida’s remaining time monitoring the ore drills would be even more desolate and heart-breakingly lonely than this first year had been.

After checking all her instrument panels, she took a quick look out the six-inch thick glass window at the mammoth core-drillers to make sure everything was running nominally. Kassida sank back into the worn, contoured recliner that had been used by every station mechanic before her and pressed her thumb to the coded lock mechanism. The plate beneath her finger glowed orange, then turned green as the lid swung free of the box.

The underside of the lid was marked with V.E.E., and an arrow pointed to a button with a note that read “Press if alone and ready to begin.” Kassida was ready to begin and more alone than she wanted to be. With anticipation and hope, she pressed the green button.

A cheerful female voice floated out of the confines of the box.

“Congratulations for purchasing the Virtual Erotic Escape. These virtual reality goggles with ergonomically designed earpieces will immerse you in one of fifty-three erotic escapes. More escapes can be purchased. See the menu in the setup.”

Kassida sighed with irritation. She had not even sampled the first simulation, and they were already trying to up-sell her.

The AI did not notice Kassida’s sigh and continued her monologue, “The earpieces allow you to filter outside noises, or you can pre-select tones that will pass through to alert you while you are in the experience. Please put on the VR goggles, and you will be walked through the setup.”

Excitement bubbled through Kassida’s fear and doubt. Maybe this was what it was advertised to be. She desperately hoped so as she relaxed back and covered her eyes and ears.

The perfectly modulated woman’s voice whispered seductively, “Thank you for joining me. I am Vee, and I will be your host during the setup and any time you return to the main menu. Now, let us get started.”

With the VR system controlling what she saw and heard, Kassida found herself standing in front of a large monitor screen. The AI asked questions about whether she was a man or woman, her sexual preferences, what she would like to use as a safety phrase to exit the experience immediately, and if she wanted to hear alarms from a list of equipment. Kassida laughed with amusement when she saw a list scroll past of every piece of monitoring equipment the Starlux Galactic Mining company used. She guessed that she was not the only remotely-located mechanic to pass the time with a V.E.E.

The monitor disappeared, and Kassida stood on a beach under a star-drenched sky. A cool breeze caressed her skin, making her nipples pucker. Without looking, she knew she was naked. Warm water swirled around her ankles with the back rush of a new wave rumbling to shore. Kassida was stunned at how realistic it all felt. She had played VR games before, but they had been sound and not quite realistic renderings. Never before had she felt sensations inside the game. This looked and sounded like real life. She gazed out in awe to where the ocean met the night sky.

Heat began to soak into Kassida’s body from behind, tempering the cold air turning her nipples to hard pebbles. She gasped in surprise as a hand stroked lazy circles on her bare lower stomach.

“You’re as beautiful as the day I met you.” A husky male voice whispered in her ear. Tingles of excitement rose where his breath brushed the side of her neck. He spoke again, “You called me Gregorf. No one in the rest of the delegation had dared to call me by my given name, but you had.”

Kassida had played enough computer games to know she was expected to add to the story. She leaned her head back onto a muscular chest and let her imagination loose. “You were so pompous. The great starfighter blessing us with his presence. I wanted to show that you were the same as the rest of us.”

An amused chuckle rumbled from his massive chest, vibrating through her body and causing her core to quiver in response. Sliding his hand further down her belly, he stroked and played her like one of the sensitive instruments in his starfighter. Moaning with pleasure, Kassida’s back arched, and her body quaked. Excitement and desire quivered in her core.

“Gregorf,” she called out as heat burst from her body where his hand made contact. She could not remember the last time she felt such wonderful, exquisite torture. Her body coiled tighter. A need rose within as his hand made her forget about anything but this small moment in time.

A strident sound blasted in Kassida’s ear. Gregorf’s delightful dancing fingers disappeared. His heat on her back was replaced by the worn, lumpy cushions of the recliner. And the euphoria she had almost felt shattered to leave a heavy ache of disappointment.

“No!” she screamed in frustration, but the continued bleating of the alarm drowned out her voice.

Breathing rapidly and heart pounding, it took Kassida a moment before her brain engaged enough to remove the goggles so she could silence the alarm and check her instrument panel.

The number seven drill showed a density shift in the sample. That caught Kassida’s attention. Excitement mounted again as she verified all the incoming data. The company paid big bonuses for a hit like this one had the possibility of being, enough of a premium to buy back the extra six months in this hole and then some.

Taking her eyes away from the data long enough for a glance at the V.E.E., she said, “I’ll be back soon Gregorf, and we’re going to do some real celebrating.”

As she turned back to ease the drill through the tricky transition layer of rock that could make or break her bonus, she mumbled to herself, “If that was just the first sample, I’m buying the up-sell as soon as this bonus comes in.”



Lacey Allaby

Captivating Erotic Fiction that will immerse you and wrap you up in sensations and feelings.