Discussion on worldviews 02.11

Devika Singh
Lack of Access to Healthy Food
2 min readFeb 17, 2019
Whiteboard discussion on 02/11

This class focused on the need for a shift in mindset and values had interesting readings that introduced some new metaphors for the worldview. The readings allowed us to compare the predominant value systems and their repercussions specifically in context with our wicked problem.

As we delved into the connections between the metaphors for world view and the problem of access to healthy food for many, there were a few things that stood out for us.

Speaking about synergies, we are interested in the growth or regenerative characteristic of synergies. Thinking about food, we discussed some interesting examples of permaculture and food-forests.

We then moved on to discussing the Person Planetary View that advocates for the equality of all living systems in the world dues to the interrelatedness of the biosphere. However, humans have historically separated, and quite often elevated themselves from the other living systems. This is especially seen with the Agri-businesses that fail to see the larger world view that is a result of the inherent competition that capitalism generates. This system is very well described by the Billiard Ball Gestalt represented by Mary E. Clarke. One of the biggest problems with that mindset is that creates this false impression that everyone exists in isolation leading to a diminished focus on communities. As a result of that, people continue with their unsustainable ‘consume and waste’ food practices. The impact of such a fragmented society can be seen as artificial food scarcity is created due to wasteful food practices.

On the other hand, Indra’s Net metaphor of the world emphasizes the connectedness of all the interdependent entities. This ties back to the person planetary view of the interrelatedness of the biosphere and as a corollary connectedness leads to caring. As we observed, this is evident in the perception of food. Current food production methods and consumption patterns and rituals make food appear ‘inert’ with very little connection to how life has been grown or destroyed in order to bring that meal to the dinner table.



Devika Singh
Lack of Access to Healthy Food

Designer at LinkedIn | Carnegie Mellon University | Noodle lover | Cautious optimist | www.devikasingh.co