Ladder Launches Scenarios and Joins Schwab’s MarketSquare

Jeff Merkel
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2019

We’re super excited today to expand our advisor solution with our launch of Laddering Scenarios and to be the first life insurance product offered on the Schwab OpenView MarketSquare.

Alongside integrations we have announced with partners like Sofi, Radius Bank, and others, we launched our Ladder for Advisors program earlier this year to invigorate life insurance as part of the financial planning process. Most people consider term life insurance to be a set-it-and-forget-it purchase, leading to a big block of static coverage that becomes less and less accurate over time. In reality, life insurance should be managed dynamically. Your level of coverage and premiums should adapt to your mortgage, family situation, financial goals as they change over time — and Ladder is the only company in the life insurance space that has innovated to let you adjust your coverage online in just a few clicks.

Forward-thinking advisors understand that. By joining the Schwab OpenView MarketSquare, Ladder is helping the 7,500 independent advisors leveraging the Schwab platform to advance their already tech-forward approach. And, thanks to Laddering Scenarios, they can now easily help their clients identify the potential savings available through a LadderLife policy with a customized projection of their coverage needs over time. Those potential savings can add up to 50% over the length of the term. That’s because when a policyholder decreases their coverage, their premiums decrease proportionally. When you contrast that variability to a static policy (where the monthly premiums don’t change), right sizing and right pricing the risk can lead to the dramatic difference in cost.

More than just the savings, these advisors understand how to overcome the challenge of client adherence. All too often, advisors send their clients to insurance brokers who try to upsell their clients into policies that don’t fit their needs and drag the process on for months, leaving advisors frustrated and clients lacking the crucial protection term life provides. Now, Ladder for Advisors’ simple referral tool has become part of the practice and process for our advisors, increasing both client adherence and satisfaction.

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