Moving Ladies in Tech to Medium

Jenn Lukas
Ladies in Tech
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2016

The update rut. We can all relate, right?

I started Ladies in Tech years ago with the help of smart friends. We had built a site and podcast I was proud of and collected radical stories of adventures in public speaking. Our mission was to share personal experiences and lessons learned in hopes to inspire more women to take the stage at tech conferences. We had great feedback and I loved it.

Then the rut happened. There were some reasons for it, some personal, some typical, but the updating stopped. A side effect of a personal passion project is that it can often take a back seat to other priorities in life. It took a lot of effort to run LIT and as rewarding as it was, sometimes you have to take a step away from a project, even if you love it. But I really don’t want to let it die.

Many of you have been so awesome in telling us what LIT has meant for you and asking about our status. Y’all are amazing. It really means so much to me. We have great articles, podcasts, and resources at Ladies in Tech and to ensure they live on, I thought I would give the old migrate to Medium method a try. I don’t know if this lower barrier to publishing is the trick to bringing it back, but I’m going to give it a try and see what happens. Thanks for all of your support.

Thanks to Mina, Lara, and Mike for reminding me about the good stuff.



Jenn Lukas
Ladies in Tech

Engineering Manager. Library lover. Accessibility. Performance. Board Games. Cheese enthusiast. Sportsball. Mom town.