Podcast Ladies That UX Brazil

Vanessa Pedra
3 min readMay 25, 2020


One more project is being born for our community

Since I joined the leadership of the one chapter of the Ladies That UX community, we wanted create a podcast to talk about UX from woman to woman.

The events were increasing, more and more cities in Brazil were opening chapters of LTUX and our project ended up being in the background.

One of caracteristics about our communitiy is the each city has your liberty to work independent. Because of that we finish up distanced to reconcile our work and our volunteering with the events each in your city.

Why the podcast now?

With the COVID-19 pandemic many booked events cancelled and we were in shocked when our world turn upside down as in a our community as our lives.

But something incredible happened in the middle of it all: the community came together even more. The leaders from the 19 cities in Brazil that we have chapters started to interact more too help each other and with that we created our Ladies That UX Brasil youtube channel. We start to collab online events and know us mores and share morer ours days.

Today our all events are online but then a point of concern began to emerge: “When will we start doing face to face meetings again? Are we lost? Are we going to lose this interaction between the chapters?”

Among these questions the podcast project was reborn

Our podcast is born with the main objective of keeping our collab between chapters alive even after the pandemic. The idea is being a content a little bit different than ours meetups with deeper and more personal discussions always with wonderful guests from different regions of Brazil to talk about different topics and not only will our guests change but our hostesses too. Each episode a leaders from different chapters will take turns to show differents experiences and differents diferentes perpectives to share with you.

The team that takes care of this project is large — we are not professionals — but we are doing it with a lot of love.

As responsible for the project are me Vanessa Pedra (Sao Paulo Chapter leader), Hannane Cherifi (Florianopolis Chapter Leader), Monica Barros (Mona) and Isabela Guimarães (Uberlandia Chapter leaders), Dêssirre Dias (Goiania Chapter leader) and Lais Mastelari (Campinas Chapter leader).

This dream team we still have Ana Carla Bortoloni (volunteer to edit our podcasts she follows the Florianopolis chapter).

When will the premiere be?

We are testing tools and scheduling in this month the recording of the first episode so soon we are notify here how you can follow.

We hope that you like this new project beacuse ours Ladycasters — a cute nickname that we calling us — we are looking forward to presenting several episodes for you ;-)

Liked? Leave here in the comments if you have suggestions for topics that you want to be addressed in this new project!

See you soon!



Vanessa Pedra

Group Tech Manager no Itaú 🧡 Voluntária da Vagas UX☂️