What did we do in 2019?

Tereza Alux
Ladies that UX
Published in
3 min readFeb 4, 2020

The year that Ladies That UX invaded Brazil!

This last December was not peaceful for me, I had just taken on an exciting challenge as part of the UX team at Mercado Livre, having to learn a new language, spanish (si chicos, parece simple pero que no lo es), adapt to a new culture, business model and counting on the luck of being part of an extraordinary team. And as if all that weren’t enough, why not change home and city? Now me, my husband and dogs live in the countryside, 40 minutes from São Paulo, and don’t even try to use it to get me away from the LTUX Chapter in São Paulo, it’s something I just can’t do.

And so? Where’s that beautiful article to talk about the results of Ladies That UX in 2019, the year that the project invaded Brazil with both feet on its chest and enchanted a lot of people?

Here it is, dear ones. This story ends up not only to publicize the results but to reposition the project as well. This past year, LTUX became more than an activity where I wanted to do my part to contribute to the UX field, improve female participation in the area by working on diversity, inclusion, content generation and intellectual property, while doing other tasks like washing dishes, visiting my parents or planning a surprise birthday for a friend.

LTUX has become a real change agent, a powerful group of people who support and encourage each other to do amazing things. In it I realized that we can do our part to change our reality and build a better world, and the best of all, it is not difficult.

It is laborious, but not difficult.

Since March 2019 when we went in search of rescuing the chapter, which until then was with one of the most beloved leaders I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, Lu Terceiro, we have grown, and a lot!

We closed the year with activity in twelve Brazilian cities, see more here.

30 wonderful chapter leaders.

We have already held 40 events together for around 1,200 people!

We have benefited more than 20 women with tickets to courses and events, countless with discount coupons and more than 50 with books.

We were mentioned as the 3rd largest UX community in Brazil, by the research conducted by Rodrigo Lemes.

We were mentioned at ILA19 as one of the most influential communities in the world.

We were present at one of the most beloved international events, Talk UX, which in 2019 was at the queen’s land, Manchester / UK.

We have a total of 2,480 followers on facebook and 6,000 on instagram, a lot of people!

And we were pleased to have the direct and insistent support of sensational people (they never tired of looking for us to help us) such as Paola Sales, Edu Agni from companies that have always received us with great love and affection such as Lambda3, Creditas, ThoughtWorks, Dasa, DafitiGroup, Pra Valer, Grená, Descomplica, Clave de Fa, Sidia Institute of Science and Technology, MaxMilhas, Digital Results, Zygo, HostGator, iFood among others, and schools like Mergo, Istituto Europeo di Design and Product Arena.

It is exciting when a project grows, contaminating everyone with a positive energy and actually transforming the lives of many people.

But if you think that 2020 is intimidated by the growth we had in 2019, you are very wrong. We still have a lot to achieve. There are projects, chapters being born and activities sprouting in the greatest elegant style that you already know. Wait for scenes from the next episodes that we’re back to tell.

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Would you like to help or start a chapter in your city, anywhere in the world? Get in touch.



Tereza Alux
Ladies that UX

Designer de Experiências, Professora e Diretora Global da Comunidade da Ladies That UX