Girl in the city — My version — Part 2(The thoughts)

Sushmita Thakur
Lady Little Imperfect
3 min readOct 28, 2017

An year has passed in this city and I don’t think I have changed much which is the best thing about it. But I have learned more than I would have in 2 years in my little town if I had stayed there.

Coming out of difficult times without losing ourselves is a golden skill that we must develop. Our battles should teach us the necessary lessons, might give us scars to remember them, make us fight better and harder, but it shouldn’t blur the positive reflection of life we have in our mind.

Not everyone has the courage to listen to what their heart says, follow their passion, dream big and struggle for it. Even if they are through the first stage, not everyone makes through their struggles and then very few have the determination left to reach their goals. But those who walk on the fire, make it to the other side and still have their sanity intact or their belief in goodness unburned, are rare. And blessed I believe.

If we behave unfairly with others with reference to a bad treatment we might have received in past, then that is a lame effort to justify our wicked actions inflicted by our injured emotional intelligence. It means we may have won that battle but we also lost a part of ourself. Which in fact is a huge price to pay and sometimes not even worth winning the battle.

If we come out of a relationship and think we will never love anyone ever again and move on in life, that’s not how to handle it. Not being in love again is the best way to save yourself from such pain in future. Which means whatever we faced or felt in that relationship, instead of strengthening our soul, made us weak. And love my friend, never does that.

I have read some where that “Love is not a feeling, it’s a decision” and it totally makes sense to me. Same goes with the decision of not loving someone. The brutal end can not erase all the good part of that relation unless you let it to. So at the end, coming out of it mentally strong or being broken in pieces, it’s our decision.

Life will always be a bitch. It’s never gonna go smooth, just when we think everything is great and we can sit and relax, it will bite in the ass. If you think by achieving a certain level in life, you are set for the future then you need to step out of that delusion right now. Difficulties and challenges are a part of life so we better make peace with that part and let it help us grow.

The bitterness of life’s twist and turns and the sweetness of the love and affection we have with our close ones and ourselves, combined, makes this life worth struggling for. Each kind of difficulty makes us exercise our abilities.

All the bad things that happen, sum up and balance out with the good things that happen. It’s always our decision where to focus.

As they say energy goes where attention flows.

Thanks for reading. :)

