I am an Indian woman

Sushmita Thakur
Lady Little Imperfect
2 min readAug 23, 2017

I wander the world at days,
cos in the nights it’s not safe.

Sometimes, when alone in the house,
I cook my favorite food,
only for myself,
cos everything else I do
is for somebody else.

I have a lock on my left foot,
connected to chains
but I can still stretch it to the garden
to dance when it rains.

I am not supposed to use my head,
not think too much.
Other people take my decisions for me,
so no worries as such.

I am really good at doing what I am told
I could be anything in the world but bold.

I have everything a family needs- love, patience, tolerance
I do perform every task diligently,
but with silence.

I howl from my heart and roar from my soul
but these aren’t the characteristics, required for my role.

There is a room upstairs
where my existence is locked.
I am unintroduced to the concept of self-worth
and my path to recognition is blocked.

I can’t stand on the balcony
to feel the warmth of the sun.
I stay within the veil,
so my disagreements are visible to none.

My clothes are a bit faded,
but my style is not off track.
I have long hair till my waist
sometimes brown, sometimes black.

I am the queen of this fort,
though was never put in a cage.
I have the keys to unlock every safe in here
except for the chains on my leg.

I have wings on my back, crown over my head.
flames in my eyes
and my lips are blood red.

I am a Goddess you know,
worshiped, adored and paralyzed.
Most beautiful woman in the world I am,
So I shouldn’t much socialize.

I’ve always been told
that this is my fate.
But I don’t want to give in cos sometimes,
these walls, well.. they suffocate.

I will fly from this place.
Sing on the streets at night.
Cut my hair and color them bright.
Break my chains and make an anklet.
Have a tattoo on my neck.
Put on a smaller dress.
Breathe the air of carelessness.
I will pick up all the pieces of me,
torn, broken, worst or best
without worrying about if someone
is looking at my breast.

For once,
I will live only for myself and be a free human.
Selfish or bitch, whatever you call
but I will become that woman.

