Pretty close to my wedding vows

Sushmita Thakur
Lady Little Imperfect
2 min readJul 25, 2017

My dear future husband,

I am sorry.

I am sorry for all the things that I do wrong.
I am sorry if I couldn’t sing your song along.
I am sorry for all the mess I make.
I am sorry for the extra time while getting ready, I take.
I am sorry that I couldn’t make myself follow everything you said.
I am sorry that I didn’t go out with you and rather stayed.

I am sorry that I spoiled your mood in the morning.
I know I made you angry like the tomato soup in the kitchen. Red, hot and boiling.

I am sorry that you are stuck with me like your fingers get stuck in my hair.
But don’t you dare to leave me or I will tell your parents about our affair.

I am sorry that every other weekend you have to take me shopping.
But that’s the price you have to pay for having a wife so sexy & rocking.

I am sorry for that I am crazy and the way I irritate.
I know you go through it all just for our sake.

You know you are the only one in this world with whom I want to be.
But sweetheart, you still don’t know how precious you are for me.

You are the spark that lights up my soul every morning.
You are the energy that I feel the whole day until evening.
At nights, you are my soothing blue star.
Your whispers in my ear, makes me wanna make out with you in my boss’s car.

Honey, please understand.
I can’t always do everything you do for me.
And I can’t always love you in the same way you love me.

We are different, our ways to express feelings are different.
So I will love you in my way.
I promise.
Despite our differences, nothing will break us apart.
I will walk beside you in light and will lead you in the dark.

I will answer your every question and pick up your each call.
I will let you drink once in a month and won’t argue at all.

If you forget to bring me a gift on my birthday or don’t send an anniversary card.
I will throw you out of the house and empty your wardrobe in the backyard.

I won’t make your life easy but I won’t leave you in your difficult times.
I promise our life together won’t be as bad as this poem rhymes.

I hope I made my point and I hope I made it right.
Now, I expect you to be the one to say sorry first.
After every time we fight.

- Your sweetest future wife.

