10 Things I Learnt From Observing Two Geckos Having Sex

Jheelam Dutta Roy
Lady Pieces
Published in
3 min readMay 29, 2018
Photo by Owen Kemp on Unsplash

The day I saw/observed/transfixed over two Indian common house geckos having sex on my bedroom wall, was the day I officially certified- being a voyeur.

Without further ado, I’d come straight to the points (or insights) ) I gained while glancing furtively over those moon lizards having a romp on our freshly-coated wall:

  1. Geckos get hickies too

…just like passionate, writhing lovers engaged in steamy intercourse, the geckos get love-bites as well, especially on the neck.

2. Geckos are ..experimental

They are flexible, acrobatic, and very very fit. Seeing one gecko on top of another gecko, then position-reversal, then deep smooching, then some more. All these were cringe-worthy but fascinating in a deep, deep perverted way.

3. Geckos love rear thingy a tad bit more

Believe me, I saw one gecko hanging from the tail of another gecko for few minutes, without slipping for once. I think it was gecko-version of doggy-style sex.

4. Geckos emote nothing

During sex, geckos emote nothing. I mean, its pretty tough to gauge out from the reptile expression, whether it is happy, sad or giving a lusty eye.

And I didn’t have a binocular with me then.

However, on the surface level, they had pretty nonchalant demeanor.


Either a) they don’t mix business with pleasure (unlike most fallible humans) or

b) they also have routine seven-year itch sex.

5. Geckos don’t moan

Yep, not even a gurgling sound. And I tried hard (from a safe distance) to eavesdrop.

6. Geckos remain still during orgasms

They must be having orgasms (given the length of intercourse and passionate embrace) but both of them maintained prim and proper Victorian prudishness and showed no climatic tremor.

P.S. - They might believe sex is for procreation only. Or they have orgasmic signs under control.

7. The gecko-girls love foreplay

The fat and bigger (the male gecko, I presume) started chasing the female (daintier) from one corner of the wall.

After playing an intense hide-and-seek in-between and crossing the-half-of-the room, the female at last surrendered (quite willingly it seemed) to the flaming hug of her gecko-lover.

In front of my popping eyeballs.

8.…Or I shouldn’t mention the gender

’Cause what did I know? Maybe they were gender non-conformist.

9. Geckos don’t have post-sex hang-ups

Post-sex (that lasted more than 5 and less than 7 minutes), the geckos shrugged and parted ways.

No clinging, no post-coital cuddle, no-strings-attached.

I liked this ‘taking things less seriously’ attitude.

10. Voyeurism was a perversion but surreal

Voyeurism is immoral, a psychological disorder, cringe-worthy, intruding into one’s privacy.

And I should’ve been ashamed of myself. But it was oh-so-surreal and compelling.

Yes, I love Shape of Water and the fish sex, why do you ask?

