5 Accessories for the Cutest Dorm Room Ever!!

Linnea Cooley
Lady Pieces
Published in
2 min readJul 1, 2019
Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

Omg, college! You did it girl, you got into college, and now you’re gonna have the best four years of your flippin’ life! It’s gonna be tough not living at home, but it’ll get easier once you decorate your super cute dorm room! As you head off to your freshman year, here are five adorable dorm accessories that will help you make some college memories!

  • Fairy lights: Nothing is cuter than putting a random string of lights above your bed. These fairy lights will instantly dress up your space and create wonky lighting in all of your Instagram photos! You will love staring up at these twinkling lights as you lie in bed at night, paralyzed with anxiety about choosing a major. Twinkle, Twinkle! You are slowly realizing that you lack both direction and academic drive!
  • A cute comforter for your bed: You’ll be sleeping until noon most days, so you might as well look good while doing it! During Junior year you’ll be lying under this comforter with Jared, your boyfriend of two years, when he tells you that he “doesn’t think he can do this anymore” and that he “kind of kissed your friend Emily” at the Xeta Bi beach party last weekend. Convenient how you’re saying this after we just hooked up, Jared!
  • A Lily Pulitzer Bath Mat: Ughhh this bath mat is just so cute. It may seem unreasonable to spend $70 on a bath mat, but just slap that purchase on your Dad’s credit card and stop worrying about it! It’s a bummer that your roommate will end up puking on it a couple of weeks later. You’ll tell her to aim for the toilet, but she’ll be too drunk on cheap vodka to hold up her head. Oops!
  • A big comfy armchair: You will spend a lot of time curled up in this armchair while you use your textbook to prop up your phone. You will definitely use this chair for some creative sex positions with that frat boy Garrett. And you will be sitting in this chair the day your parents call to tell you that your credit card spending is getting out of control!
  • A Fuzzy Carpet: This carpet will feel sooooooo good on your feet. It will also swallow up stray paperclips, pencils, fake ID’s, and even condoms, so make sure to keep a tight hold on anything that’s important to you. You will definitely never vacuum this carpet, but it will still retain its fuzziness for six years! This will come in handy when you fail three classes and won’t be able to graduate on time. College is the best time of your life, so props to you for stretching it out as long as possible!



Linnea Cooley
Lady Pieces

Linnea Cooley is humor writer and essayist. Follow them on twitter @linnea_cooley or visit their website linneacooley.weebly.com