5 Ways You Didn’t Know You Could Use Nair

The miracle product that will improve every aspect of your life.

Stella Luna (they/she)
Lady Pieces


Photo by Alex Azabache on Unsplash

Many feminists and anyone else who doesn’t like to depilate have major beef with Nair. It’s understandable, honestly, as it’s been used as a tool of oppression for years in order to pressure women into conforming to completely unrealistic beauty standards. Personally, as a nonbinary transfemme person, nothing brings me greater joy than feeling like a wet seal all over my body, but this isn’t about me. If you have some Nair lying around that you don’t know what to do with, here are some fun uses that will change your life.

  1. Salad Dressing
Photo by Travis Yewell on Unsplash

Picture this. You’re in your apartment and you go to put some balsamic on your little kale salad with cherry tomatoes. When you open the bottle, just the tiniest dribble comes out. Rats! Pacing around the house, you see it on the shelf outside your bathroom: Nair. I know what you’re thinking, that this is crazy. Hear me out, though! Firstly, Nair has an incredibly complex flavor palate. Cucumber Melon, Aloe, and even Cocoa Butter are just some of the scents available to you. This might sound odd, but you already put…

