Allison Cahanin
Lady Pieces
Published in
4 min readNov 27, 2018


Finals are already here again! If you’re still in school you’re probably drowning in papers, projects, and studying for exams. What a perfect time to do every random thing you’ve been putting off all year! You might have an untouched 12-page essay due next week, but right now priority number one is researching how to reupholster a sofa.

Here’s a list of 6 more things you suddenly need to do right now that aren’t studying for finals — not that you really needed any help finding truly groundbreaking ways to waste the two remaining hours until your project needs to be uploaded on Canvas.

Clean your fridge!

You’ve been absolutely fine with the science experiments growing in the back of your refrigerator all semester. But now you’re suddenly hyperaware of the rotting bag of kale you bought when you convinced yourself to do a green smoothie detox that one time a month ago. That research project worth 40% of your grade can wait. You’ve got other responsibilities too, you know! While you’re scrubbing the moldy dark corners of your fridge you’ll inevitably notice the disaster that is the rest of your kitchen. Go ahead and spend another few hours cleaning for the first time since you moved in– there’s no better time than right now!

Learn how to knit!

You have literally never thought about knitting. But, when you woke up this morning and remembered you have a chemistry exam next week, you realized now is the perfect time to learn! Go out to your local craft store and agonize over which yarn combos would make the best sweater. Maybe warm neutral tones? Or how about a gray color scheme? This is definitely what you should be spending your time thinking about right now! Don’t worry that you have absolutely no idea how to even knit a row of stitches– let alone a cowl neck sweater with pockets and floral embellishments. Just a few more hours on YouTube and you’ll be a pro! Who knows, this might be your new career! So you should definitely spend another hour on YouTube researching marketing techniques for your future Etsy shop.

Redecorate your bedroom!

No wonder you can’t focus, the feng shui of your room is a disaster! Hop on google and find out what feng shui is and how to make it stop. Once you finish fixing the vibe in your room you’ll have no problem finishing that paper. But first, you need to create a new pinboard and just go apeshit on Sophisticated? Boho? Minimalist? You might as well make a board for each design theme. If only you were as talented at interior design as you are at procrastinating!

Bake cookies for everyone you know!

Do some extensive research online until you find a recipe for chocolate chip cookies that will convince your friends you deserve your own Food Network show. If you had time to study you totally would! But unfortunately, you’ve already obligated yourself to bake 10 dozen cookies for all of your closest acquaintances. You just thought of this and haven’t told a single soul, but you can’t back out now. You’re a person who keeps their word! So put all your devices on do not disturb and get to baking, even though your research project group chat is blowing up with messages about where you’ve been all week. You said you’d finish your part by tonight and although that’s absolutely not going to happen at least you’ll have some apology cookies to bring them tomorrow!

Catch up on current events!

You were already given a 24-hour extension on a project that was due yesterday but in the grand scheme of things that doesn’t even matter compared to what you’re reading right now about North Korea! Any other week, the only Kim you read about is married to Kanye and has a makeup brand. And for all you know, Kim Jong-un might also be developing a new cosmetics line because–until finals week–you can’t be bothered to read the news. Ignore every deadline in your planner and spend the evening examining the complexities of the current international stage. This isn’t procrastination– you’ve just got priorities!

Read this listicle!

Clearly, you’re desperate to do literally anything other than studying for finals! On a scale of ways to waste your time, this listicle is at least two steps below news about Kim K. But it was exactly the break you needed from such a busy day of knitting and now you’re just about ready to glance at your textbook! You’ve got time though, what’s one more article going to hurt?

Besides, you already told yourself that you’re definitely going to start studying after that…or at least after you change the oil in your car and schedule that doctor’s appointment you’ve been putting off. Because those things also suddenly need to happen right now!

