Breaking: Local Teen Discovers Octagonal Red Signs Mean “Stop"

M. R. Prichard
Lady Pieces
Published in
1 min readAug 12, 2021
Photo by Jose Aragones on Unsplash

Drivers all over the country are about to get a huge wake up call.

This week in her driver education course, local teenager Amanda makes a fascinating discovery, certain to change the lives of millions.

Classroom instructor Mrs. Smith asked the age old, yet obviously rhetorical, question, what do you do at an intersection?

“I’m not a genius, but I’m fairly certain that stop signs mean to stop,” Amanda said in the online class’s group message board during a discussion. Her instructor says that she was caught completely off guard. “No one had ever come to that conclusion before. Most people just keep driving,” Mrs. Smith claimed.

When asked to further explain herself in this discovery, Amanda continued with “yield signs mean to yield.” The class rippled with applause at the new found information.

Drivers of cars all across the country will take Amanda’s advice and begin stopping at the big eight-sided signs.

What does this mean for the future? Amanda has no further comment regarding the matter, but it’s sure to turn heads; both ways!



M. R. Prichard
Lady Pieces

I’m not confused, I’m just not paying attention. B.S. in English composition, burgeoning gamer girl, and mental health advocate.