How To Be Unfaithful To Your Phone

Lowen Puckey
Lady Pieces
Published in
4 min readJul 29, 2018


Is your phone getting a bit out of date? Maybe cracked in a few places? Do you find yourself hiding your phone when your friends come over?

It’s always a good idea to know whether it’s worth committing to a new phone before abandoning your current phone completely. It can be a practical solution to have a side phone while you’re checking out your options. There’s nothing worse than getting rid of a phone, only to find your new phone isn’t what you bargained for and your old phone won’t have you back. The last thing you want is to be totally phoneless.

This is an excellent time to apply the ‘try before you buy’ approach:

We shouldn’t always go for a phone just because it’s the latest thing, although there’s something to be said for a shiny, new toy. Big buttons and a fast turn on are always fun things to try out. A quick upload can be a very satisfying experience, as is the new phones eagerness to download for you.

However, you really need to consider whether the price of setting up a new phone and providing for its upkeep is, ultimately, worth it. Sometimes just having a play with a new phone is enough.



Lowen Puckey
Lady Pieces

Advocate for mental health, chronic illness and disability. Sometime writer of funnies & fiction. Perpetual drinker of tea.