I Shoved Clorox Up My Ass and Now I Can Read Minds

Ellie Guzman
Lady Pieces
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2020


You don’t wanna know where I put the Lysol. [Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash]

I never thought this would happen. I’m just a simple girl with a simpler brain and I thought I was being smart when I shoved some Clorox up my ass. I mean, think about it. Disease is germs. Germs is bad. Bad starts with a capital B, which rhymes with P, which stands for pool. So I got into a kiddie pool and squatted down and put some fucking Clorox up my ass. And you know what? It was way easier than I thought!

What hasn’t been easy is the side effects. Other than the cheek numbness and constantly pooping a fine neon powder, I am now able to read minds. The only explanation I can think of is that the Clorox cleansed my body of cell phone brain pollution and now I can receive everyone else’s electrons.

The mind reading is really opening my eyes to some disturbing stuff. My husband has a sourdough bread fetish. My daughter doesn’t know my middle name. The lady at the corner store thinks I’m too loud because now my ass squeaks when I walk. And for some weird reason when I look in the mirror I can’t read my own mind, but I can see each of my mitochondria doing the macarena so overall I’m going to call this a win.

The whole thing makes me a little dizzy, but I can’t sit down or I’ll burn a hole straight through a chair again. I was a little skeptical when my president said to ingest disinfectant, but after doing it I can say that it was only a little bit of a massive mistake. I’ve stuck with him through racist tirades and staring at the sun so a little rectal third degree burn isn’t going to hurt me.

Wait, he said he was being sarcastic?



Ellie Guzman
Lady Pieces

TV writer trying to have it all. Former healthcare worker turned comedy goblin. My book “Rags to Rags“ is available here: https://amzn.to/369O9ac