Humor & Poetry

#innerpeace: a yoga poem

I’d rather be at home in my pyjamas

Samah Fadil
Lady Pieces


While groups of humans gather
do you call a group of humans a murder?
Sure, let’s go with that

While the murder gathers
they caw to each other
until the one in front
orders them gently into silence

They are told to close their eyes
They are not together anymore
They are alone. They must not think…
not think… not think…

…don’t think!

Breathe in and out
in and out
in and out

tick-tock, tick-tock
tick-tock, tick-tock

Someone here brought their watch
even if no one is here
even if you are alone
even if you are not thinking

You’re not thinking, right?
Oh, right. Don’t think.

Breathe in and out
long and deep
fill your lungs

… with the various smells that make up this overheated room

Oh, no!

Breathe, out, out, out

Get rid of that funk
What an interesting word
Oh, my. Do people ever shower?
You’re not certain
of anything anymore

You might be paying to get farted on
:unpack this idea when you get home:

Wait, what’s for supper?
Maybe you should order dinner...
Will it be
Lebanese? Indian?

How about you
s t o p t h i n k i n g? ? ?

breathe in, and out
Not too quickly…

The f-U-n-K might take over
In fact, it already has. Oh, no.

Breathe out out out out out out out
You might be hyperventilating
Slow it down

in… out… in… out… in… out

Ok, that’s better

You think
even though
you shouldn’t be thinking
right now…Oh, hey

You can sneak a selfie
right after this
It’s about time
you changed
your profile pic

Your skin looks best
after a good sweat

It’s all that inner peace
I bet.



Samah Fadil
Lady Pieces

I like to write and ask questions about politics, poetry, pop culture, power, philosophy, pen game, and various other P words. Not catered to the White Gaze™️.