Please Read These Five Vital Essays

Lady Pieces Supports Black Lives Matter

Ellie Guzman
Lady Pieces
3 min readJun 1, 2020


Image: REUTERS/Darren Ornitz

During this time (and honestly, all the time) it’s crucial for us to amplify the voices of Black writers.

I know Lady Pieces is a humor publication, and that humor can be a way to lighten the emotional load during times like these, but we must not forget that humor is a tool of resistance. It is a way for us to fight hegemony and take away power from oppressors. We are blessed in having a significant following on this website and we implore each and every one of you to read work by Black writers and not take everything you see on the news or on social media at face value. Dig deeper, look at sources, see why videos are edited the way they are. Look at this guy, for example. If you’d only seen the news, you might think he’s a victim. The full footage shows he was an instigator with a weapon. Always dig deeper; take the time to educate yourself and not put the onus on Black people to have to educate you.

I’ve chosen the five pieces below because they cover so many aspects of what Black people disproportionately have to deal with, from police brutality to all kinds of aggressions in the workplace. It is on us to educate ourselves and, during these complex conversations, prioritize the voices of those actually experiencing the oppression themselves. We encourage you to read these pieces, discover others, and signal boost more pieces.

“What Happened To Ahmaud Arbery Is Scarier Than His Death Video” by Ezinne Ukoha

“5 Ways White People Can Take Action in Response to White and State-Sanctioned Violence” by Showing Up for Racial Justice

“Maintaining Professionalism In The Age of Black Death Is….A Lot” by Shenequa Golding

“Amy Cooper’s Anti-Black Wisdom” by Andre Henry

“The Unique Frustration of Being Black and in Charge” by The Only Black Guy in the Office

Please feel free to share more of your favorite pieces or links to your own work in the comments below. And also remember to donate if you can; kamaraxtaurus compiled this helpful list on Twitter. Please support this fight against bigotry and hatred.



Ellie Guzman
Lady Pieces

TV writer trying to have it all. Former healthcare worker turned comedy goblin. My book “Rags to Rags“ is available here: