The deal breakers you should never tolerate

There are some lines that shouldn’t be crossed. Know when it’s time to negotiate and when it’s time to walk away.

E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor
Practical Growth
Published in
11 min readJul 20, 2020


Image by @criene via Twenty20

by: E.B. Johnson

There are some behaviors within our relationships that just can’t be tolerated. These deal breakers push our limits and test our boundaries in ways that are both inefficient and unhealthy. When a partner crosses the line, we have to be honest with ourselves and honest about ourselves. Can you really stay in a relationship in which your limitations aren’t respected? It’s a question only you can answer.

Having deal breakers is a healthy part of setting our boundary lines. We all have to understand that there are some lines that can’t be crossed, yet we allow people that we care for to abuse us day-in and day-out. Why? Because we fail to realize the depth of our needs, and we fail to prioritize them appropriately too. Stop allowing your “better half” to push you over again and again. Figure out how to stand up for yourself and stop accepting deal-breaking behavior.

Some lines should never be crossed.

Even though we might love someone more than we think we love ourselves, it does not give them free rein in our lives. Some behaviors, beliefs and…



E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor
Practical Growth

NLPMP Coach | Writer & Content Creator | Sharing my knowedge with the world ⭐️