Doing the deep work

Becoming the person you dreamed of was never going to be easy.

E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor
Practical Growth
Published in
9 min readJun 28, 2021


A person stands alone on a rocky beach and stares out toward the sea and endless sky.
Image by Chalabala via Envato

by: E.B. Johnson

Getting where we want in life requires that we do the deep work. This involves wading into the depths of our past and confronting the darkest parts of ourselves. It’s the hard work that turns our perspective upside down. And it’s the key to opportunity and the future we always imagined for ourselves. If you want to create a life that’s purpose-driven and worthwhile, then you have to commit to doing some arduous mental and emotional work. We change the outside world only when we change the inside world first.

What doing the deep work looks like.

Are you doing the deep work? Are you committing to putting in the effort it takes to change who you are from the inside out? You can’t just wake up one day and put on a new life for yourself. It gets changed step-by-step. Acknowledging this truth, we can be honest about what this deep work looks like and how to best apply it on our own journey to wholeness.

Healing old wounds

The central part of doing the deep worth that matters, you have to heal the wounds of your past so you can open your heart to the future. This is a different process for everyone. For some, those old wounds lie in…



E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor
Practical Growth

NLPMP Coach | Writer & Content Creator | Sharing my knowedge with the world ⭐️