The best ways to talk to your partner about sex

If you want a better sex life — get better at talking to your partner about sex.

E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor
Practical Growth
Published in
7 min readMay 18, 2020


Image by @LilBirdPhoto via Twenty20

by: E.B. Johnson

TThough we might think that sex always comes naturally or easily — that isn’t always the case. Sometimes, we can face hangups in our sex lives that make it hard to stay connected with our partners or bonded in the ways that we want to.

If you want to build a better intimate life with your partner, you have to start talking about sex. That means opening up about what you want and allowing them to do the same. There’s nothing wrong with talking about. The only wrong thing is ignoring its crucial important in our partnerships.

We have to talk about sex.

Sex. As humans, we are a species that loves sex, but many of us struggle to create healthy ideas around this type of physical intimacy. This can come down to poor examples set in childhood, or it can come down to our own fundamental misunderstandings. However it shakes out, it’s crucial that we learn how to open up about sex in order to improve the quality of it in our romantic relationships.

The more comfortable we get talking about sex, the more we can come to understand our partner’s sexual needs as well as our own. When…



E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor
Practical Growth

NLPMP Coach | Writer & Content Creator | Sharing my knowedge with the world ⭐️