Your inner child needs to be healed

Are you struggling to find happiness? Struggling to make sense of your life? It may be time for you to heal your inner child.

E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor
Practical Growth
Published in
11 min readDec 28, 2020


Image by @negmardesign via Twenty20

by: E.B. Johnson

We all have inner children, and they often live in those places where we are most scared to look. These children are formed in our earliest days, when we first struggle to make sense of the world. They are the buffer that holds on to all that early pain and trauma, and they are the reference point by which we learn to see the world and everyone in it.

Some are lucky to live with an inner child who is happy and whole, but this is not the case for everyone. For those who came from painful and dysfunctional backgrounds, trauma runs deep into the soul of the inner child and requires very concentrated and very real emotional and physical healing. Don’t allow your inner child to remain in pain forever. Heal them so that you can find happiness in this life.

We all have an inner child.

There is no shame in healing our inner children. In fact, it is the only way we can unlock the power of true joy and transformation in our lives. We all have inner children, and we all rely on that inner child to connect with and enjoy the world and the relationships…



E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor
Practical Growth

NLPMP Coach | Writer & Content Creator | Sharing my knowedge with the world ⭐️