Manuja Waldia: Because Why The Hell Not

Megan Burke Harris
Lady Parts
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2016
“A friendly game of tug o war” via

Let’s begin with Manuja Waldia, not only because she is a crazy talented illustrator and designer, but because, whilst stalking her Instagram, I came across this gem —

via @manujawaldia on Instagram

It happens to the best of us. We know it, but I sure love reminders.

If you’d like to check out Manuja’s graphic work, you may do so here. However, it is her illustration work that brings her to the forefront of my mind. Each is so original and bewitching, full of women, whimsy, and scenes from a good life (including, obviously, pizza). They are illustrations that make you feel good without making you feel like you want to barf (live, laugh, love, anyone?) and so complex you could possibly dive right into one.

“Hot sticky afternoon” via

These intricate scenes are reminiscent of Indian miniature paintings — colorful, lush, and painstakingly detailed.

“A very introverted gathering of five friends” via

Also, her artist statement (via Badass Lady Creatives) is straightforward and not stupid.

“I draw themes about sisterhood and friendships among girls, celebrations, cakes, and cats. On the side, I make ceramics.”

“A visual celebration, thrown in the honor of Pizza, which incidentally is also my therapist.” & “As it started to rain, they threw their phones in the water and felt free like never before.” via &

You hear that, ladies? Friendships among girls. That’s gold, and pretty underrated. But, as we’ll see, it’s a common theme among a number of my favorite artists. Coincidence, selection bias, or the tides changing?

And then there is this —

“Feminist icon since forever, Kali.” via

So, so, so badass. (Sorry dudes.)

Manuja also has a zine in progress (or possibly finished) somewhere out there — I only found a few bits and pieces — which touches on another theme that seemingly radiates through young lady artists and, predictably, through all the work I like: a bit of sadness and offbeat grief.

“Sadness, Ennui & similar meditations about Melancholy” via @manujawaldia on Instagram

Finally, in case you missed Manuja’s elegant artist statement, she ALSO MAKES CERAMICS.

Because why the hell not. And they are fucking awesome.

via @manujawaldia on Instagram

So ends the first installment of Lady Parts. Check out Manuja Waldia at her website, Instagram, and blog, or as written about by a number of great publications.

