Braineet, from Startup with Love…❤️

Lafayette Plug and Play
Lafayette Plug and Play
5 min readOct 25, 2017

Last Week, we organized with Braineet, (Batch3) an innovation Breakfast about co-creation with more than 50 professionals and industry experts. We decided to share with you the Air France KLM case study.

Is Co-creation the key to improve your customer Experience ?

We gave the audience the opportunity to listen to insights from the invited speakers, share best practices and experiences, ask questions, and go on a tour of the Lafayette Plug and Play space.

Speakers : expert, Air France & Engie

Here you can watch the highlights from the discussion (in French).

Some Key figures about co-creation

87% of consumers in the US and 85% of consumers in the UK ‘measure all brands against only a select few’ (i.e. Amazon, Netflix, Starbucks, and other industries leaders) that are at the forefront of customer experience and engagement). — Wunderman 2017 Wantedness Survey

In 2018, 75 % of the world’s high performing enterprises will be using crowdsourcing to find the optimum solutions for their innovation roadmap. — Deloitte — The three billion Enterprise crowdsourcing and the growing fragmentation of work.

The Brand’s Perspective with Air France-KLM

Innovation is present at every stage of the customer journey. Céline BRUNET, Inflight Innovation at Air France — KLM

For Air France — KLM, a business approach that includes seeking continuous improvement is essential in order to succeed in a market that is as competitive and intense as the airline industry.

The customer journey for passengers is relatively long, running from their initial decision to travel to their arrival at their destination, and in order to increase its responsiveness and offer services that meet the expectations of their travelers, Air France has decided to openly engage with their customers via a variety of channels and make the most of open data.

According to Celine, innovation is everywhere and the team in charge or innovation thinks about every point of direct contact that they have with their customers. With this approach, the company has managed to establish a customer-centric innovation model.

Air France’s top tips for co-creating with consumers

  • Interview customers and prospects in order to enrich and improve the ideation phase
  • Present ongoing projects to customers and prospects in order to get feedback
  • Allow users to interact and refine ideas together in order to harness the power of crowdsourcing
  • Make sure that, from the very start of the project, there are people in-house who are able to turn an idea into a finished product.

The Expert’s Perspective

It is essential to review your priorities before starting the co-creation process — Quentin LEBEL, Behind The Crux Collaborative Innovation

Two years ago, Air France came to the realization that its management of delays and cancellations was less efficient than that of its competition, and that this was seriously affecting customer satisfaction — by up to 20 NPS points.

In order to improve customer experience and build a stronger bond with customers suffering from a delay or a cancellation, the company decided to find concrete solutions to the problem.

Two collaborative workshops were organized:

  1. the first a half-day event with managers of the four directorates concerned to frame the subject and the methodology;
  2. the second a one-and-a-half-day workshop involving both staff members and 10 customers.

These collaborative sessions allowed Air France to have a better understanding of customer expectations in a situation of uncertainty and to co-create with them a system that would offer the most appropriate response and align the group’s different business divisions in order to be able to offer the best solution as quickly as possible. The workshop participants were delighted with the results and the sense of satisfaction that they had from having helped to improve their favorite airline and came away with a new image of a more dynamic Air France.

Quentin highlighted the importance of ensuring that companies reviewed their priorities before starting the co-creation process. Delivering co-created solutions is a crucial step in better engaging with both customers and employees, whilst the opportunity to directly play a part in a company’s innovation process is extremely rewarding for customers.

Putting the consumer at the centre means giving ourselves the means to develop a more responsive, more useful, and more operational strategy — Carine TAMI-MARZOLF, Director of Qualitative Studies at CSA Research

The CSA Qualitative approach is based on feedback from customers, on understating their “specifications for an ideal UX”, because marketing and innovation have evolved from being “offers-centric” into being “consumer-centric”. For CSA, it is essential to go one step further and to establish a UX-centric approach.

🚀 To ensure that co-creation programs achieve their aims, it is essential to ensure that the necessary framework, foundation, and tools are in place. The internal constraints of the brand (organizational, structural, business, and communication) have to be taken into account and the right people have to be involved from the very start of the process.

The company invites its customers to share their experiences through one-day co-creation workshops where participants can be compensated in return for their participation.

🏆According to Carine, compensation remains a good recruitment lever, especially for targets unfamiliar with the brand, but quickly becomes secondary to the emotional benefit of the experience of taking part.

Very often, at the end of a co-creation session, people are sad to leave because they have started to really feel like part of the process.

Finally, for Carine, well conducted and structured co-creation is the ideal solution for truly disruptive and operational innovation projects.

Braineet and CSA Qualitative have a partnership to help companies create these breakthrough products and services.

Congratulations Maximilien & his team Braineet for this case study. 👏🏽

About Braineet

Braineet is the platform that allows you to engage in a dedicated and constructive dialogue with your customers where the focus is on innovation and improving your products and services.

They’ve already helped hundreds of companies, including the likes of Unilever, Air France, and Michelin to have a better sense of what their customers need and expect, and they are expanding into new markets and opening an office in the United States.🇺🇸

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