Make some noise if you’re with Gino

La Fiamma Rossa
La Fiamma Rossa
Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2019

Is there a better way to start the season than interview one of my favourites up-and-coming riders? Gino Mäder, 22, climber and breakaway finisher from Switzerland, can boast wins in countless races among the youth ranks. He’s now ready to begin his professional career at Dimension Data.

How are you and where you are now?

I am fine and actually situated in Calpe (ed.: now Gran Canaria) for the Team Trainingscamp. So everything is going good.

What kind of rider are you and what do you want to improve? As a junior you were winning in different ways; as an U23 you’ve been a machine when in a breakaway but also managed to podium at the Tour de l’Avenir.

I don’t want to define myself as a certain type of rider yet. I think the team managers and coaches will surely help me find my way. I loved to ride for the general classification at the Tour de l’Avenir but I also like to be an offensive rider who tries to get in the breakaway; I would say my strengths aren’t developed yet. 😉

Any funny stories from U23/junior years (during a race or outside)?

There are a lot of funny stories. I think the best to share is this one: when I was in Mallorca preparing for the Tour of Hainan, I did a loop around the island with a teammate (310 km) and I had to pull a “Dumoulin” on the Puig Major climb, at some point.

Is there someone, of the past or the present, who inspired/inspires you on the bike? Have you got an idol, a favourite rider, someone you watch to learn in the peloton?

A lot of riders inspire me, but the biggest is my mother. She didn’t always have much luck in her life but she still seeks for the good things and gives her best every day.

Are you going to live in Switzerland or will you change country or city in future?

I will surely stay in Switzerland for my first season, at least. Then I will see how I feel, how things are going and if I need some changes.

Do you have training mates, either pro riders or amateurs?

My training mates have been my sisters for a long time. Sometimes I trained with Marc Hirschi and Joab Schneiter. When they both weren’t pros.

What will be your first race and how does your program look like?

My program will contain a lot of stage races and not that many one day races. So I will start with San Juan in Argentina, then Catalunya, Brabantse Pijl and Romandie as my personal highlight of the first part of the season.

A greeting to those who are reading and a wish for 2019?

I welcome everyone reading La Fiamma Rossa. It surely is a great way to know about cycling and its (maybe) future stars (ed.: I didn’t pay him, I swear). I have been under the radar for quite a while but I hope to make some noise as professional.

Bonus track: what’s the song you can’t stay without?

One of the songs I listen the most at the moment is Drachentöter from Bligg.

Thank you for the opportunity to present myself and have a bit of display.

And I want to thank Gino for his kindness and availability. Support and follow him on Twitter and Instagram.

© Cover photo from Nils Laengner.

Originally published at on January 20, 2019.

