Lagom Data Knowledge Platform

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4 min readSep 26, 2019
Lagom Data Knowledge Platform

Big Data is a fancy word and as we know that collected data in the world increasing day by day. However, it comes with its problems.

First of all, companies have a tremendous amount of data but they are distributed as sparse from the view of storage intermediates and data types. They cannot make a federated search through their data, advanced reporting, measure data quality or extract knowledge from all over them. Furthermore, it is nearly impossible to take prediction needed actions which have been learned from all types of data at a company. So, these result with efficiency problems for the industry.

On the other hand, data privacy and data protection are one of the big problems of today. Such data includes a huge amount of personal data and companies are honeypot in that manner. There has to be a solution to respect the privacy of user data.

So, we have created our platform as a solution for them, Lagom Data Knowledge Platform. One can connect any data source to Lagom including both structured (i.e. databases) and unstructured (i.e. file systems, e-mails, documents) then can search, analyze, report, make predictions, and also take automated actions on them via static or ML-based rules as blazing fast.

Connecting any data sources, extracting knowledge from all of them and taking automated actions so fast help us to solve many problems of the industry.

Our power comes from being a platform to solve such issues. Lagom Data Knowledge Platform includes data lake, search, analytics, data protector and automated action modules.

Lagom Data Lake

Lagom Data Knowledge Platform’s speed comes from running on top of our data lake. It is capable of aggregating queries and running SQL queries as a NoSQL database as highly scalable.

Data lake queries return response in nanoseconds which leverages Lagom Data Knowledge platform to search, report, analyze, predict and act fast.

Lagom Enterprise Search

Lagom provides an enterprise search module which can connect to authority sources i.e. LDAP implementations as like Active Directory and let all search operations done respected to these authorities. Data sources can be a SQL data source, NoSQL data source, Documents (Word, Excel, PDF, Images, etc.), E-mail, Exchange, Office365, Dropbox, Google, IBM FileNet, Alfresco or any other CMS systems.

Lagom does not require installing an agent to connected sources or need to write permission to access them. Lagom Enterprise Search module tracks delta changes or ACL (Access-Control list) updates, and reflect desired changes at Lagom Data Lake.

Search results are provided with a well-defined filtering capability as blazing fast.

Lagom Analytics

After any type of data sources is connected, one can run an analytics or aggregation query on top of it. Since we have a data lake designed for such purposes, results are fetched in nanoseconds and it lets to run federated analytic queries which run for all over the data at a company. Also, queries and results can be secured via authorization information.

Lagom Machine Learning

Data is increasing so fast. However, we cannot extract knowledge from all of the data sources a company owns. As an example, some piece of information resides on SQL database tables, some of them on Excel files, some of them at PDF files either as scanned or not.

Since having a sufficient amount of data is important to extract knowledge from it, we should not ignore any type of data we have. Lagom Machine Learning module lets you run any Machine Learning algorithm all over the data you have. One can combine information to extract knowledge both from a database table, from an Excel file and PDF. So, companies can have a wider view on top of their data.

Lagom Actions

Taking automated actions is real power for companies. Since you have a power of accessing and extracting knowledge from all the data you have, you can take such actions for many purposes in a better way.

At Lagom, actions can be defined easily as static or ML-based. So, one can take any action for their needs. As an example, you have a stock database and an Excel file which holds information about your dealers. You can predict that you will not have sufficient asset at next month and make an order as an action from the related dealer.

Lagom Data Quality

Controversial to data is getting bigger, management of data becomes much harder. It is sparsed and not easy to measure its quality or necessity i.e. you may have many duplicated documents which you don’t know or you may have a database table which has a column of filled with same data or nothing.

As a solution for it, Lagom can measure the quality of both structured and unstructured data. Being a platform lets you detect quality via ML-based rules and take actions for them.

These are the modules of our platform at which we provide solutions to solve data protection and privacy issues, efficiency problems of industry and performing prediction needed actions at critical systems. Stay tuned for further posts about our Lagom Data Knowledge platform!

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Software engineer who works on AI and distributed systems and a member of the Apache Software Foundation.