How to design a 3D model with LAI4D

Juan Andrés Hurtado Baeza
Published in
Jan 15, 2018

This video-tutorial covers the designing of a 3D model using different strategies as well as its later saving to share it online. It is based on the Beginner’s tutorial of the LAI4D designer but extended in order to show also how the user can work with the menu of commands or the sketch interpreter.

Our goal is a simple cubicle

Using the source editor:

Using the graphic interface:

Using the sketch interpreter:

Save & share:

FFFind more detailed explanations about the LAI4D functionality on the Reference manual. See also the tutorial How to embed an interactive 3D model on a web page.

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Juan Andrés Hurtado Baeza
Editor for

Founder of the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence for Design (