Bringing the Tavern to Life

Christine Graves
Lair of the Immortals
4 min readAug 18, 2021


Life After Death — Chapter 4

Hey, there you are. Feeling better? Yea, those Moon Flower tonics have put more than one being on the floor. I’ll have Kregar fix you up a nice bowl of greevell soup. It’s just the thing to get you on your feet again. Greevell are a delicacy on his planet. Kind of like a mouse with fangs. Oh, sorry. Didn’t mean to freak you out. Trust me, it tastes great.

Anyway, drink this. It’s a cup of my own blend of tea.

Of course, I’ll tell you the rest of my story, if you’re feeling up to it. Cool. Let’s see, where were we? Aw yes, the tavern.

So anyway, we walked down to this little cottage and I swear, it got smaller as we got closer. I looked through the windows, but couldn’t see a thing. Even though there was light coming from within, it looked dark.

“Come on”, X called. I followed him to the door and it opened without him even touching the knob. It let out a horrible creaking sound that sent shivers up my spine. We stepped inside and it was as though I’d been transported somewhere else. The lights came on and we were inside the largest room I’d ever seen. It was massive.

The room was totally white and almost blinding. As I shielded my eyes, the room became instantly dimmer. I was shocked. It was as though the room knew it was hurting me and did…



Christine Graves
Lair of the Immortals

Mother, grandmother, poet, storyteller, craft hoarder, ancient history fanatic, vintage junk collector, and classic smartass.