Lake Elton is the largest “salt shaker” in Europe, which amazes with its beauty. navigation

Zhoa - traveler
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2020

The Volgograd region is known primarily for the monuments of the war years of the Second World War. But this is a superficial view.

There are plenty of natural attractions here and some of them are unique, such as the largest salt lake in Europe.

Lake Elton is not quite a familiar body of water. The depth here is usually 4–7 centimeters and only in spring it reaches meter values.

And you can’t call it water either, the so-called brine is more like an oil solution.

Walking along the lake in places where there is enough brine, you walk as if on a mirror. However, it is still necessary to get to the liquid, because in the beginning there is only salt crust and mud at the coast.
And here, by the way, are the traces of the floorings that were used by Russian rulers and nobles when in past centuries they came here for rest and treatment.

Hemp, frozen over the centuries due to salt, which remained either from the baths of the Russian nobility (including Empress Catherine the Great), or from the extraction of salt. By the way, mining was stopped here in 1882, after which the lake was given resort significance.

The lake is almost 17 meters below sea level, which makes this place the lowest point in the Volgograd region.

It may even seem like a crust of snow or a desert, but it’s all salt.

And everything that gets into the lake experiences the salt effect on itself.

But the real miracles happen here when the sun goes down. I have not seen more beautiful sunsets.

The sunset sky and the sun, both above and below, are moving towards each other.

And in the last moments before the onset of complete darkness, the Moon also shows its beauty.

If you are looking for an unusual place in Russia, then Elton is worth considering as a candidate.

