Lake Wealth Product Update — June 2019

We’d love your feedback!

Mathew Chan
Lake Finance
3 min readJun 4, 2019


Hi everyone,

Since we launched our private beta in early May, we’ve been working hard to ship new features and improve our product, to bring you the best crypto investing experience out there.

In the past month, we’ve focused on a number of improvements in the backend, and we’ve been fine tuning and continuously backtesting our AI to further improve performance. Some of these changes are not visible to the end user, but they are vital to building a solid foundation for us to scale, and deliver a better end product. In addition, you may have noticed that we’ve made some changes to the web app.

Schedule a 1-on-1 feedback call with me!

I’d love to get your feedback on what problems you would like to solve or features you would like to see. Please click here to schedule a call with me.


  • We’ve successfully on-boarded the 1st cohort of waitlist users
  • Crossed $100k worth of assets under management in our invite only beta
  • Conducted our first rebalance for all beta users

Product Updates

We’ve shipped a bunch of updates this month based on your feedback.

🌟 What’s new

  • Hourly data and updates
    All the stats and charts now show data updated hourly to give you the most up to date view of your portfolio’s performance
Hourly Data in your Portfolio performance chart
  • New Trade History widget
    This replaces the Rebalance History for a more detailed view of all the buys and sells our AI has conducted
  • The current assets table now shows you the token’s total value in USD
  • Added the ability to update your Binance API Keys in the Account page
  • Improvements to our trading engine to save you money
    We now use Limit Orders in conjunction with Market Orders to get you the best price execution and to reduce costs.
  • Improved response time and data accuracy
    We’ve restructured and updated our backend to provide improved response times and cleaner, more accurate data.

🐞 Bug fixes & tweaks

  • Previously several user accounts saw inaccurate balances, total invested amounts, and incorrect earnings, this has since been fixed. Apologies for the confusion! :)
  • Monthly reports now properly switches between months and renders data correctly.
  • Fixed some token and currency formatting issues.
  • Minor styling tweaks.

🚩 Upcoming

  • Ability to increase or add to your investment
    We’ve been hearing lots of requests to allow adding to your initial investment, and this is a high priority for us. We’ll be working on rolling this out as soon as possible.
  • On-boarding additional waitlist users — Soon!
  • You tell us!

Lastly, thank you!

Thank you for believing in our team and our product! We’re very active in our communities (Discord, Telegram, Twitter, etc), so feel free to connect with us at anytime if you have any burning questions or comments.

Or if you’re ever in Toronto, shoot me an email and come hang out in person at our office!

About Lake Wealth

Lake Wealth is a simple, low-cost, and passive way to invest intelligently into cryptocurrencies, powered by a proprietary A.I. To learn more, or to join the waitlist, visit

Visit our communities: Discord | Telegram | Twitter



Mathew Chan
Lake Finance

Head of Product @lakefinance. Building a Smart cryptocurrency investing experience, powered by A.I.