La Krok
Published in
4 min readNov 23, 2019



2017 – ongoing

© Shutterstock

I celebrate myself and I love myself
for what I am today.
I sing myself and I start to create myself
from what I’ve got — hurray!

Now that I am sitting in a bubble
far above the sky.
Where disco lights shine bright,
shine bright inside me without any lie.

Lights are fading from blue to purple
and purple to blue.
There is a place just feeling right,
no matter what I do.

Eclectic and vibrant,
A world of color and light,
Splashes of saturation and hue,
So much to see and do.

But in the midst of it all,
There’s a touch of black,
A reminder of the shadows,
That linger in the back.

Yet even in the darkness,
There’s a glimmer of hope,
A spark of brightness,
That helps us cope.

So let us embrace the light,
And all the shades it brings,
Embrace the vibrant and eclectic,
And let our spirits sing.

In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invineible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm. I realized, through it all, that in the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. Andthat makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger something better, pushing right back.

Every time I try to show you what it looks like here, but I’m struck by all the gaps I find. Not just between one day and the next, or one week and another, but between all these milliseconds of time I cannot gain back anymore. For instance I found things that my camera sees but that I don’t see. And when I filmed the fluorescent yellow pineapple it appeared to have lost it’s luminosity. The spaces are too slim even for a wide angle lens. I went into the garden to record the sound but the sound of the wind on the camera dampened their noise.
I collected ships of longing and belonging but then then they sunk in the middle of the day, together with my camera.

Travel can be a necessity or it can be a luxury; one would say the first is migration and the second is tourism. Those are two extremes, however it illustrates a point, that in a globalised world; whilst in theory we don’t need to travel much since everything is a click away, actually, in actual fact it fires an insatiable desire to experience more. Yet, we’re not the only ones to travel; animals, objects, nature, and all the molecules and atoms that make up the world are constantly interchanging as we live.

Thoughts, shy, they flit into the future, in tight tension between body and space were apparent galaxies and yet they only linger there for a while. As they leave the nutshell they recharge their batteries, first a little gap, then a jump and finally they are back in the now.

Every coin hast two sides. That’s how they teach us to think. One side always takes control. It defines the value, the rule. One side is power, authority, masculinity. Thought the other side is: Beauty. Side after side. Stucked together. Combined as one. And I am, you are, we are — the ONE. The one can be god. One unites differences. One unites ambiguities. One loves the sun, loves the horizon. Human beings, Nature, Unity. Unity. Unity. And infinity. Every moment. Minute. Second. Every person. Live. Existence is a coincidence. A coincidence happens beyond to be and not to be. Every coin has two sides. No; they evolve freely. What if they sense being, sense being?

There exists somewhere something called reality. We are all looking for it in our waking, daily lives. It has nothing to do with how we are online, or asleep, or daydreaming, even simply thinking for that matter. It has nothing to do just with me, or you, or even the social structures around us. It is the opposite of fiction supposedly; it’s not just fact either. It is independent, it is not false, it is recurrent yet unpredictable and concerns everything around us. Most importantly it has always been that way. I sometimes think I have come across it, through observation and perception, but as I keep reminding myself, it’s not about me, so for now I’m still looking for it.

Paradise is a place where I can pursue my dreams. I imagine a world where this dreams come true im the most tangible and feasible way. I imagine a world where my dreams are real and live around us like every other natural or in fact supernatural being. I imagine a world where I name my dreams after my deepest wishes, inspirations and ambitions. In this dreams I can make the beauty of the possible visible. But as soon as I can imagine it, it dives down in between the fog of its many expectations.

Sometimes the hidden has not disappeared, it is just momentarily removed from our vision.

Regular beliefs lead nowhere.
Can’t think them through.
Like the Milky Way Universe — no start, no finish.
Just something to do.

But change is a constant friend.
Make this, make that.
Alone or in a crew

And then you see
Like Happiness
Is true.



La Krok

Hello! I am Laura. I’m a graduated space&designstrategist currently based in Austria focusing on interdisciplinary production modes. Stay hungry. Stay curious!