La Krok
2 min readJan 27, 2017


Althought I am not a Yoga — Professionlist, I like to do Yoga on a weekly basis. I’m a 28 year’s old now and the times when I spend weekends going out get a bit rarer. (Psssst….) Alltought I don’t want to dispendse with going out — but I decided to have a Plan B. One reason for my personal Plan B is that one the one hand I want to save some money and the other reason is that I have to face the fact that I am getting older and I will need to get more healthy to stay adabtable and organized. That’s why I decided to spend my spare time with exercising on a weekly basis. Furthermore I believe that I will have the same effects on my body when practising instead of e.g. dancing on a dancefloor the whole weekend. It makes you fit! The only thing I miss when not going out is the music: the bass, the beats and the rythm.

So here is my solution: In my opinion Yoga and music goes together like Cheese with Milk. So why we don’t mix both of them? Imagine this scenario: It’s seven o’clock in the morning, soft beats are expanding the room and we celebrate life until eight o’clock in the morning. With sunlight, music — and Yoga.

On the weekend’s early hours we can not only move our bodies in clubs, but also on pink Yoga-Mats in golden rooms. We start with the popular “Sonnengruß” and listen to the music while are stomaches get massaged through the beats. Two worlds, one more different then the other, which, all of the sudden, intersect with each other. Yoga, an acient indian exercise to clean your body and sould, is going to be practised on a weekly basis.

As music and Yoga has a long tradition, I would like to keep that going…

As I am not any professional teacher, the admission is for free — please refer to a profesional teacher if you have any doubts about this offer.
Hope to be seeing you soon. :)



La Krok

Hello! I am Laura. I’m a graduated space&designstrategist currently based in Austria focusing on interdisciplinary production modes. Stay hungry. Stay curious!