Matthew Cheung, Product Marketplace

Matthew Cheung
Lalamove Product
Published in
2 min readOct 19, 2021

joined in 2021, from 🇭🇰

(taken on the last day in previous company, and yes, those were beers and volka on the table…but I don’t drink much)

What led you to become a product manager?
I started my career in logistics operations. I had never thought of becoming a product at that time. But the longer I worked in logistics industry, the more time I found myself spent in systems and tech, to some point it reaches almost 50% of my time. At that moment, I realized that there is no choice for us but to accept the fact that logistics operations will merge with tech sooner or later.

That’s how I started this path of product management when I was asked to double-hat operations and product in previous company. And gradually I moved away from operations and more in product and tech.

What does a typical day look like?
1. Wake up at 7-ish
2. Coffee
3. Work
4. Coffee again after lunch
5. Home for dinner
6. Family time
7. Sleep at 1am-ish

Name three people or things you feel inspired when creating a product.
Problem — It is very often we drift away from the problem when we are creating the solution. Or people may bring up some other problems making it a very complicated and disorganized discussion. It is important that we always focus on the problem we are trying to solve. It’s kind of cliche but it’s principle.

Culture — Culture refers to the way how people treat other people in the company. Usually we will work on our tasks in the way we are most used to do, but not aware of the impact to others around us & the impact others may have on us. When we are working on the solution, I usually keep a close look on the culture of the team, and see what will help make a project great success by having a good team of people.

Friction — is always there when a solution is being discussed / built. People have different opinions. A good leader is how he / she can handle the friction in the team and convert them into positive energy to bring the team forward. I would always keep this in mind to watch out for the signals how the energy is flowing to make sure that we “argue” in the direction and common goal of making our products better.

What would your self-portrait look like?
Sitting in a nice cafe, having a cup of coffee and a book on a table, no laptop, no phone.

Anything you want to promote or plug?
I like playing football. I am open to any sort of game!

