Lalilo Kids Say the Best Things!

Tiffany Pro Page
Published in
8 min readJun 6, 2018

Our First Lalilo Kids Committee Contest: How an Idea Was Born

If you are a Lalilo teacher, you may have recently heard about our first annual Lalilo Kids’ Committee Contest. Participants submitted a story (in either French or English or both) written about a Lalilo creature of their choosing from Lalilo’s Kingdom of Words, the imaginary realm where their literacy adventure takes place online. With the help of furry friends, Lalilo students unlock parts of their story map by completing literacy exercises. To improve student engagement and play into the fact that students really loved Lalilo’s creature community, we thought it would be fun to create a story within the story!

Before we could announced the contest, we had to have the idea. Some have asked how we came up with the concept in the first place. As former teachers, we often view Lalilo through the lens of student engagement. After all, if Lalilo is for kids, why not allow them to take part in its creation? Out of this objective came the concept of implementing Lalilo’s Kids’ Committee, an ongoing series of contests where students could submit ideas for Lalilo and, in return, become certified members of Lalilo’s Kids’ Committee for life!

This offers teachers a more blended learning environment where lessons can transcend merely working at a reading center or in short bursts at the computer screen into now a collaborative partnership between Lalilo, teachers and students that allows us all to get the most out of Lalilo.

Official Lalilo Kid Committee Submissions

Fast forward to our favorite part — hearing what our students had to say! We’ve compiled a few randomly chosen submissions from schools all over so that we could share the joy of seeing just how creative, clever and fun our Lalilo Kids’ Committee members are! Read below to see the actual stories and illustrations submitted to us to compete to be chosen for a “Lalilo Design Makeover”. One lucky story will be picked to be made over by our design team, read by the Voice of Lalilo himself (Sherman, for the English translation, and Cesar, for the French translation), and published on our Medium blog community, Facebook and Twitter pages!

Beau’s Story (Canada)

Il y a un castor qui s’appelle Bob. Bob habite dans la forêt.

Bob veut nager parce que c’est le printemps et il fait beau.

Mais Bob ne peut pas trouver un lac. Il décide de chercher partout pour l’eau.

Finalement il trouve une belle rivière pour nager.


There was a beaver named Bob. Bob is living in the forest.

Bob would like to swim because it’s spring and the weather is nice.

But Bob can’t find a lake. He decides to look for water everywhere.

Finally he finds a beautiful river to swim.

The End

Caitlyn’s Illustration

Caitlyn’s Story (Canada)

Titled: Chichi et sa maman

Il était une fois un petit cerf très mignon, Chichi le cerf. Chichi était triste

parce que ça faisait longtemps qu’elle n’avait pas vu sa maman. Chichi

voulait retrouver sa maman plus que rien d’autre.

Chichi a cherché et cherché partout dans la forêt de Lalilo mais elle ne

pouvait pas trouver sa maman.

- Maman!!! Où es-tu??? crie Chichi.

Un hibou sage a entendu Chichi pleurer.

- Je sais où est ta maman, dit le hibou. Il y a des monsieurs qui ont

attrapé ta maman et l’ont apportée au zoo.

Donc, Chichi va au zoo pour essayer de trouver sa maman. Chichi marche

et marche autour mais elle ne trouve pas sa maman. Tout à coup, elle voit

le gardien du zoo et elle s’approche pour lui demander où est sa maman.

- Que fais-tu ici, petit cerf? demande le gardien du zoo. Tu devrais

être avec ta maman.

- Tu sais où est ma maman? dit Chichi.

Le gardien du zoo emporte Chichi à l’enclos où se trouve sa maman.

- MAMAN!!! Je t’ai trouvée!

La fin

Chichi and her Mom

Once upon a time, there was a very cute little deer, Chichi the deer. Chichi was sad because it had been a long time since she last saw her mom. Chichi wanted to find her mom more than anything else.

Chichi searched and searched for her mom everywhere in the Lalilo Forest but she couldn’t find her mom. “Mommy!!! Where are you?” screamed Chichi.

A wise owl heard Chichi crying. “I know where your mom is,” the owl says. “Some men caught her and took her to the zoo.”

So, Chichi went to the zoo to try to find her mom. Chichi walked and walked around the zoo but she didn’t find her mom. Suddenly, she saw the zookeeper and approached him to ask him where her mom was.

“What are you doing here little deer?” The zookeeper asks. “You should be with your mom.”

“Do you know where my mom is?” Chichi asks.

The zookeeper brought her to the habitat where her mom was.

“MOMMY!!! I found you!”

The End

Eveliina’s Illustration

Eveliina’s Story (Canada)

Regarde ! Je vois un lapin qui court et court.

Tout à coup le lapin s’arrête et regarde une carotte.

La carotte court et court.

Le lapin crie “Aaaaa ma carotte court et court, oh non !”

Look! I see a rabbit running and running.

Suddenly the rabbit stops and looks at a carrot.

The carrot runs and runs.

The rabbit is screaming, “Ahhhh my carrot is running and running! Oh no!”

Binta’s Story

Binta’s Story (France)

Titled: Le petit lapin perdu

Il était une fois un petit lapin perdu qui s’appelait Touli.

Touli avait 6 ans.

Il était très gentil et souhaitait retrouver sa famille, ses soeurs ainsi que ses frères.

Il commença son voyage.

En chemin, il rencontra un squelette!..

Touli essaye de se sauver mais le squelette le kidnappe!

Le lapin était très triste, alors il lui fit les yeux les plus mignons du monde..

Alors le squelette le relâcha.

Touli retrouva sa famille et vécu heureux jusqu’à la fin des temps.


The Little Lost Rabbit

Once upon a time, there was a little lost rabbit named Touli.

Touli was 6 years old.

He was very nice and wanted to find his family, his sisters and his brothers.

He began his trip.

On the way, he met a skeleton! Touli tried to escape but the skeleton kidnapped him!

The rabbit was really sad, so he made the cutest eyes in the world at the skeleton. Then the skeleton released him.

Touli found his family and lived happily ever after.

The End.

Aubrey-Jean’s Story (Canada)

Voici Raina. Elle est un écureuil.

Elle mange les noix et les pommes.

Elle grimpe dans l’arbre. Elle fait un nid.

Elle fait un toboggan de noix.

Il y a une fête dans la forêt avec ses amis.

Elle danse dans l’arbre.

La fin

Here’s Raina. She is a squirrel.

She eats nuts and apples.

She climbs the tree and builds a nest.

She makes a waterslide with nuts.

There is a party with her friends in the forest.

She dances in the tree.

The end

Aubrey-Jean’s Illustration

Victor’s Story (France)

Mon histoire des animaux de la forêt de Lalilo

Il était une fois un ours, il s’appelle Toto et sa femme s’appelle Maris.

Il est avec ses petits enfants : Jules, Alex et Jade.

Ils jouent avec leur papa dans leur chambre avant de dormir car le lendemain, ils vont aller pêcher à l’étang du Murier. Leur maman ne vient pas car elle va accoucher, le petit s’appellera Sohane.

Pendant les vacances, ils vont voir leur tante qui habite à Paris et après ils iront manger une tarte aux fraises aux bateaux mouches et la maman vient les rejoindre en surprise avec son bébé.

My Story of the Animals in The Lalilo Forest

Once upon a time, there were a bear named Toto and his wife named Marie.

He is with his children Jules, Alex and Jade. They play with their dad in their room before sleeping because the day after, they are going to fish in Murier’s pond. Their mother is not coming because she is going to give birth. The baby’s name will be Sohane.

During the holidays, they will visit their aunt who lives in Paris and then they will eat a strawberry pie on a river cruise boat, and their mom comes to join them with the baby as a surprise.

Victor’s Illustration

Athena’s Story (Canada)

L’ours et le cerf

Voici l’histoire de l’ours et du cerf.

Voici l’ours. Il est brun. L’ours veut un ami.

Voici le cerf. Il est grand. Il est vilain.

Un jour, l’ours va à la maison du cerf. Le cerf dit “Va-t’en”. L’ours pleure et dit “Personne ne veut être mon ami.”

Le cerf est triste pour l’ours. Le cerf dit “Désolé”.

L’ours dit : “Est-ce que tu veux être mon ami ?”

“D’accord” dit le cerf.

Enfin ils dansent ensemble et regardent un film.

The Bear and the Deer

Here’s the story of the bear and the deer.

Here’s the bear. He’s brown. The bear wants a friend.

Here’s the deer. He’s tall. He’s wicked.

One day, the bear goes to the deer’s house. The deer says, “Go away.” The bear cries and says, “Nobody wants to be my friend.”

The deer is sad for the bear. The deer says, “sorry.”

The bear says, “Do you want to be my friend?”

“Alright,” the deer says.

Finally they dance together and watch a movie.

Athena’s Ilustration

And the winner is…

The contest winner will be announced! Stay tuned to see the final result right here on Medium (or follow us on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook)!

Special thanks to ALL Lalilo Kids’ Committee members for their participation. We feel every Lalilo kid matters and we thank you for all your hard work! Be sure to be on the look out for our next Kids’ Committee Contest!

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