Top 5 Thoughts Teachers Have During Parent-Teacher Conferences

Lilo Lalilo
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2019

5. So that’s where she gets it.

Sometimes it is just startling to see an adult version of your student walk in. Or to realize that even though parent and child look nothing alike, they have the exact same mannerisms or personalities.

4. I can’t believe that helpful, friendly kid is such a terror at home.

It doesn’t even feel like we’re talking about the same kid. I’m so glad he saves all that energy for mom and dad. I’ll have to make sure this one never misses recess.

3. I’m so thrilled they asked for ways they could help with academics at home!

Lalilo is a great resource for teachers and parents; students can work on personalized lessons at home and at school.

2. Now I understand everything about this kid.

I can see that these parents have extremely high expectations; no wonder this kid is so driven to succeed.

1. Is it lunch time yet?

Do you all understand that most days I eat a soggy sandwich in 1o minutes? Conference day I have enough time to actually leave this building and eat something that tastes good. Trust me, I really love your child and am delighted to talk to you about him or her. But for the love of pasta, don’t mess with my lunch hour.

This article was written by Jennifer Zimmerman author of the blog:

