Magic of Saturn controllers

Krzysztof Cieślak
Lambda Factory
Published in
7 min readJul 20, 2018

Originally published at


Saturn is new F# web framework that implements well know design pattern — MVC — in more functional way. Despite Saturn being fairly young project it’s getting more and more popular among F# community and industrial users. One of the main Saturn’s goals is to create high level abstractions that will enable developers to focus on writing domain, business code instead of focusing on creating correct routing for your application or setting right response headers. One of such abstractions, that I want to talk about today, is controller.

This article was created for Saturn version 0.7.x

Basic usage

controller is simple computation expression (CE) that enables you to easily implement application endpoint following REST-ish conventions. It can be used for implementing endpoints that renders views if you’re building application using server side rendering, or just return serialized data if you’re building API or your application is using client side rendering. Just like all other CEs used in Saturn, controller provides set of custom operations that you can use. And, what’s important, all operations in controller CE are optional, which means you can easily choose which subset of functionality you need. Example, basic implementation looks like this:

let resource = controller {
index indexAction
show showAction
add addAction
edit editAction
create createAction
update updateAction
patch patchAction
delete deleteAction
deleteAll deleteAllAction

Let’s now go one by one, and describe each operation:

  • index — mapped into GET request at / endpoint. Usually used to render a view displaying list of items, or return whole list of items.
  • show — mapped into GET request at /:id endpoint. Usually used to render a view displaying details of particular item, or return single item with given id.
  • add — mapped into GET request at /add endpoint. Used to render a form for adding new item. Usually not used in API controllers.
  • edit — mapped into GET request at /:id/edit. Used to render a form for editing existing item. Usually not used in API controllers.
  • create — mapped into POST request at / endpoint. Used to create and save new item.
  • update — mapped into POST and PUT requests at /:id endpoint. Used to update existing item. Usually replaces original item (keeping id), and requires are fields to be filled in the incoming item.
  • patch — mapped into PATCH request at /:id endpoint. Used to update existing item. Usually only changes some fields of original item, request body contains only changed fields or JSON Patch object.
  • delete — mapped into DELETE request at /:id endpoint. Used to delete or deactivate existing item.
  • deleteAll — mapped into DELETE request at / endpoint. Used to delete or deactivate all items.

Please remember that Saturn is not enforcing behavior or inputs of actions any way, so above descriptions are suggestions and best practices, not something that’s encoded in framework. The only thing that controller provides is set in stone routing structure.

Actions implementation

All actions indexAction, showAction … are simple F# functions. All of them as first parameter accepts HttpContext object — it’s an ASP.NET class that contains all information about incoming request, response, server, environment and other data that was injected into it by framework. Actions that are using ID of the item, such as showAction or editAction are functions that get id as a second parameter. The id may be generic but we currently supports limited set of the possible types to which we can decode ID from URL.

Supported types:

  • string
  • char
  • int
  • int64
  • float
  • bool
  • System.Guid

In case you’d need some custom ID type, I’d recommend using string and deserializing it manually. Another important limitation of current controllers is fact that all actions needs to use same ID type in one controller instance. Again, if you’d need different ID types — use string and deserialize it manually.

Example action implementation may look like this:

let myIndex (ctx: HttpContext) = Controller.text ctx "Hello world"let myShow (ctx: HttpContext) (id: string) =
|> sprintf "Hello world, %s"
|> Controller.text ctx
let myController = controller {
index myIndex
show myShow

Action output type

If you’ll hover over myIndex or myShow you’ll notice that return type of those functions is Task<HttpContext option>. First thing — all actions in Saturn’s controllers are asynchronous by design, and they are using standard .Net Task to model it. However, they’re generic over what type is actually returned by the task. If you return HttpContext option you’re following standard path of integration with Giraffe (web library on top of which Saturn is built). This gives you not only full control over what’s going on and how your response is modified, but also provides ability to integrate with existing Giraffe ecosystem. Additionally Saturn itself provides rich set of helpers that return Task<HttpContext option> in Controller module (example of this is Controller.text function used in example, that sets content of the response to given string, and also sets appropriate response header).

But returning Task<HttpContext option> is not only option. You can also return Task<’a> (where ’a is any type) and Saturn will perform automatic output content negotiation. In such case Saturn will check output type of your action, check what’s the client preference based on the Accept header (if Accept header is not present, Content-Type header will be used instead) and decide what’s the best way to handle response object:

  • If you return string Saturn will return it with text/plain or text/html as Content-Type depending on Accept header
  • If you return GiraffeViewEngine.XmlNode (Giraffe’s view object) and client accepts text/html responses Saturn will render the view and return to client
  • If you return any other type it will be deserialized to JSON (with application/json as Content-Type) unless client doesn’t accept JSON response — in such case XML will be tried.

Same output content negotiation algorithm is provided by Controller.response helper.

Example action implementation using output content negotiation:

let myIndex (ctx: HttpContext) =
task { return "Hello world" }
let myShow (ctx: HttpContext) (id: string) =
task {
return sprintf "Hello world, %s" id
let myAdd (ctx: HttpContext) =
task { return DateTime.Now }
let myController = controller {
index myIndex
show myShow
add myAdd


Versioning of the endpoints is one of the most important cross cutting concerns in web applications… and most of the web frameworks don’t provide any built-in ways to handle it easily. Saturn provides opinionated way to easily version your controllers. Saturn is using 1 of 3 wrong ways — custom header x-controller-version to decide which version of the control should be called. Of course, if you don’t like this strategy, Saturn makes it easy to fallback to bit lower level of abstraction, so you can create differently wrong versioning strategy.

The implementation of versioning in your controllers is trivial — it’s just adding one additional operation to your controllers — version. Here’s an example:

let myController = controller {
index myIndex
show myShow
add myAdd
let myControllerV1 = controller {
version "1"
index myIndex
show myShow
add myAdd
let appRouter = router {
forward "/endpoint" myControllerV1
forward "/endpoint" myController

Since controller without version is not performing any checks it’s important to plug controllers in correct order in your router — the controller without any version should go lowest.


Another important feature of any web framework is ability of (declaratively) plugging some additional actions/modifications for particular actions in controllers. For example, in ASP .NET MVC this is done with attributes and enables features like authorization and authentication for particular actions in controller (and many, many more other features and cross cutting concerns). Saturn provides flexible mechanism to provide such functionalities using controller plugs, using one simple CE operation — plug — that accepts list of the actions to which it should apply and the plug function. Plug implementation is any HttpHandler which means that it integrates well if existing ecosystem and helpers, and plug implementation is decoupled from the controller itself, which means you can easily create plugs for cross cutting concerns such as logging or authorization and reuse them across many controllers in your application.

Example implementation:

let myControllerV1 = controller {
plug [All] (setHttpHeader "controller-all" "123")
plug [Index; Show] (setHttpHeader "controller-some" "456")
plug (except Index) (setHttpHeader "controller-except" "789")
index myIndex
show myShow
add myAdd


Last important feature of the controller is ability to embed controllers. This, again, is fairly opinionated feature that follows REST-ish conventions. Subcontroller should be used in case when one particular item (represented in controller by /:id) has some child items — for example blog item contains list of post items. Or post item contains list of comment items. Subcontroller is subrouted into /:id/:subcontrollerPath route of original controller (so for example /:id/:subcontrollerPath/:id2 shows the particular comment, or /:id/:subcontrollerPath/add will show form for adding new child item to the parent item with given ID). Adding subcontroller to your controller is done by using yet another custom operation in CE — subController that takes path of the subcontroller and child controller as inputs (passing ID to this subcontroller).

Example implementation:

let commentController userId = controller {
index (fun ctx -> (sprintf "Comment Index %i" userId ) |> Controller.text ctx)
add (fun ctx -> (sprintf "Comment Add %i" userId ) |> Controller.text ctx)
show (fun ctx id -> (sprintf "Show comment %s %i" id userId ) |> Controller.text ctx)
edit (fun ctx id -> (sprintf "Edit comment %s %i" id userId ) |> Controller.text ctx)
let userControllerVersion1 = controller {
subController "/comments" commentController
index (fun ctx -> "Index handler" |> Controller.text ctx)
add (fun ctx -> "Add handler" |> Controller.text ctx)
show (fun ctx id -> (sprintf "Show - %i" id) |> Controller.text ctx)
edit (fun ctx id -> (sprintf "Edit - %i" id) |> Controller.text ctx)

subController operation actually accepts any HttpHandler not only controllers, which means you anything in there. Also, you can add multiple subcontrollers to one controller which may be useful… for example in combination with controller versioning feature.


In this post I’ve tried to present all features and power of Saturn’s high level abstraction — controller, and flexible design they allow. Enabling such high level of abstractions and providing out-of-the-box opinionated solution for some of the cross cutting concerns such as routing of REST controller or versioning of your APIs is one of the design goals of Saturn, and hopefully more such high level constructs will be included in the framework.



Krzysztof Cieślak
Lambda Factory

Artist 🎨 | OSS Troublemaker 🛰 | Photographer 📷 | Globetrotter 🌍 | Speaker 🤹🏻‍♂️ | Author of @IonideProject. 🚀 | Senior Research Engineer @githubNext 🔬