Welcome to the new Lambda blog.

Zebulon McCorkle


Lambda is currently reworking how the lambdaindie.com website works. In that process, we are moving the blog to Medium.

Previously, the website ran on Wordpress. This… caused issues.

Wordpress is a fantastic platform when updated. Unfortunately, the way we had configured Wordpress on our web host resulted in an inability to upgrade using the built-in Wordpress GUI. Therefore, upgrading was a hassle, and we failed to get around to updating on the command line. This caused an activist group to be able to replace our top blog post with propaganda.

That is only one of the many issues we’ve had running our blog and the main site on Wordpress. None were the fault of Wordpress, however moving to Medium and a static website is a functional method of solving them.

This new website configuration should be faster, stabler, and more secure.

MatrixPC has also been migrated to Medium, for similar reasons. The matrixpc.us website will stay as-is for some time, however it will not be updated. It may be changed to a redirect to Medium.

