Trump Can’t Put Us Back in the Closet

Rachel B. Tiven
Lambda Legal
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2017

It’s really sickening.

Within minutes of Donald Trump’s inauguration today, his administration has removed all mention of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people from the White House website, and selected LGBT-related documents have disappeared from the Department of Labor website.

The Office of National AIDS Policy appears to have been closed, and its webpage has been disabled.

We won’t go back in the closet, we won’t disappear and we won’t be silenced.

Donald Trump has already nominated a startlingly anti-LGBT cabinet, and erased us from the White House website — those are the facts. How dare he tell us today that “you will never be ignored again” and then, minutes later, literally erase us from our own government’s website.

Donald Trump is sending a clear signal that he has no intention of serving as the president of all Americans. And his actions demonstrate how he truly feels about LGBT people and people living with HIV.

He should know that Lambda Legal is watching the administration’s every move, and will fight him at every turn. We will sue to block every law targeting LGBT and HIV+ people this administration passes.

To LGBT people and to everyone living with HIV: we are your lawyers, and we’re here to defend you.

We’re not going back.



Rachel B. Tiven
Lambda Legal

CEO of Lambda Legal, the country’s oldest & largest legal organization for LGBT & HIV+ people.