Announcement | Final Round of storage mining testing will start soon

benyamin z
2 min readFeb 27, 2020


Dear Lambda storage miners, validators, community supporters:

The storage function on Lambda mainnet has been tested in two phases, which achieved the expected results. A large number of testing have been performed from storage validators, miner-side storage management, storage business processes, and support of the mining pool architecture. At the same time, we have achieved technical breakthroughs and refactored multiple versions of storage code.

Next we will start the third round of storage mining testing, which is the last round of testing in the Lambda storage function.

This test will simulate the actual scenarios after the mainnet is upgraded and stored.

Therefore, three types of scenarios need to be tested:

1) Testing of storage validators on a consensus network composed of validators;

2) Testing of large-scale storage by mainnet storage miners;

3) Testing Lambda network support for issuing assets and Dapps.

The basic steps are

1) The consensus network established by community validators;

2) Storage miners access the network for storage testing;

3) The ecological project is based on Lambda storage network issuing assets and business tests.

As the last round of testing before the storage part of Lambda’s mainnet launch, the third round of test reward rules is now open for global discussion, including but not limited to the following three items:

1) Validator reward rules for participating in the test;

2) The total reward pool and reward rules for storing miners;

3) Reward rules for major security issues and BUG reports.

Please send email to with your valuable suggestions for Lambda’s third phase storage testing. Please check Lambda’s official website for more details.

Lambda Foundation

February 19, 2020

