Lambda Tech Weekly Report |02.03–02.07

benyamin z
1 min readFeb 13, 2020


Hi Community!

In this weekly tech report, we’ll cover the progress which has been done on Lambda main-net, wallet and mainnet blockchain explorer.

We also wish our global users and the community safe and healthy at this special time.

Lambda Main-blockchain progress

  • Developed backup and recovery of node status
  • Refactored free storage business
  • Optimized the on-chain application layer configuration item expansion
  • Optimized the mining logic
  • Normalized the error log
  • Fixed several bugs

Lambda Main-net wallet progress

  • Optimized the amount of wallet pledged on desktop end
  • Released Mobile Wallet Version 1.0.2

Download link

Official Website Update Progress

  • Fixed bugs found in web tests
  • Adapted the new official website equipment
  • Adjusted the composition of the new official website
  • Set up a new version of the official website test environment and released scripts

