Are you ‘using’ “useless” “‘QUOTES’”?

Rafał Pocztarski
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2020

I write <div id=foo> instead of <div id="foo">

in HTML just like chmod a+x bar instead of chmod "a+x" "bar" in shell.

I write <div class="multiple words"> if I have to in HTML
just like chmod a+x "file name with spaces" in shell.

I don’t use useless quotes just for the hell of it. It “makes” “the” “html” “that” “is” “already” “cluttered” “enough” “even” “less” “readable”.

Usually when I show unquoted values in HTML as examples on my workshops, someone always points out that maybe it works in the browsers but it is not actually valid HTML. Well, maybe, but are you sure your own code is always valid? See the exercise below and check if you can spot all problems in this short HTML and then run the validator to see if you found everything. The results may surprise you!

Why I care

I cried in 1998 when W3C published Reformulating HTML in XML but hoped it wouldn’t get traction. When XHTML 1.0 was officially adopted as a W3C Recommendation in January 2000, I was lifeless and devastated when I was changing all my <img src=rounded-border-top-left.gif> to <img src="rounded-border-top-left.gif"/> and later was praying for the W3C to open their eyes while they were developing the dead-end XHTML 2.0 and my prayers have been answered! When HTML5 came out in 2007 and when W3C abandoned the XHTML dead-end standard, I celebrated like never before - but to this day I see frontend developers who act like 2007 never happened.

Exercise for the reader

Read the short HTML example below and:

  1. Note everything that you think is not strictly valid according to the letter of the standard (even if you think that would work in the browsers)
  2. Use the official W3C HTML validator and see if you spotted all errors and warnings!
  3. Write in the comments if you were surprised — but no spoilers for the readers!

Especially look for

  1. There is code above <!doctype html>
  2. The !DOCTYPE is lowercase
  3. The HTML in doctype is lowercase
  4. The "en" in <html lang=en> is not quoted
  5. The "en" in <html lang=en> is lowercase
  6. There is no <head>!
  7. There is no <body>!
  8. The "utf-8" in <meta charset=utf-8> is not quoted but contains a dash
  9. The "utf-8" in <meta charset=utf-8> is lowercase
  10. The "stylesheet" is not quoted in the <link rel=stylesheet> tag
  11. The full URL with colons and slashes is not quoted in href= in the <link rel=stylesheet> tag
  12. The <link rel=stylesheet> tag has no type="text/css" attribute
  13. There is no <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> tag
  14. The Abc text node is directly in <html> without any <div> or <p> (not to mention the <body>)
  15. The <br/> is missing the trailing slash in <br>
  16. The <img> tag has unquoted src value
  17. The <img> tag does't have a slash like in <img src="icon.gif"/>
  18. The <img> tag has empty alt attribute
  19. The "foo" is not quoted in <div id=foo></div>
  20. The "bar-baz" is not quoted in <div id=bar-baz></div> but contains a dash
  21. The "menu.html" is not quoted in <a href=menu.html></a> but contains a dot
  22. The external <script> has no type="text/javascript" or type="application/ecmascript" property
  23. The external <script> tag has a fully qualified URL that is not quoted
  24. The internal <script> has no type="text/javascript” or type="application/ecmascript"property
  25. Anything else?

Do you have an HTML validator in your eyes? Leave comments below!

(but no spoilers for others!)



Rafał Pocztarski

⭐️ Senior TypeScript/Node.js Developer, Tech Lead at Beesafe by Compensa, Vienna Insurance Group. I build custom backend APIs for the InsurTech industry.